SwRI Balloon Workshop on Low Cost Access to Near-Space
Dates: April 26-28, 2007
Location: Southwest Research Institute, Department of Space Studies, Boulder, CO 80302
Registration: Online registration encouraged. (Registrations closed as of April 28, 2007.)
Participation: Abstracts are requested by April 2, 2007. The program is now set with little room
for additional presentations. Note that there will not be a poster session. If you feel strongly
that you should give a short presentation, please contact the workshop organizers. (Abstracts no
longer being accepted as of April 28, 2007.)
Questions: Please call or email
Eliot Young (303-546-6807) or Craig DeForest (303-546-6020) with questions about the workshop or
Workshop Goals
- Teach participants about all aspects of current balloon programs.
- Discuss potential technologies for cheaper, lighter, more effective balloon platforms.
- Discuss "what-if" science that could be accomplished with routine access to near-space.
- Discuss strategies to grow support at NASA and NSF for LCANS.
UPDATE (August 1, 2007): LCANS White Paper available online
The first product of the 2007 LCANS workshop is a white paper entitled "How NASA Can Exploit
Low-Cost Access to Near Space: Recommendations from the April 2007 LCANS Workshop." This short
(5-page) document can be downloaded here.