A.B., Astronomy, Harvard College, 1967 M.S., Meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968 Ph.D., Planetary Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1972
Physical studies of small bodies in the solar system (asteroids, comets, satellites, Mercury, meteoroids, etc.) Telescopic and spacecraft visible/IR spectrophotometry: planets, satellites, asteroids, comets Cratering and impact-erosional processes; accretion of planetesimals Regolith development and crater-degradational processes; endogenic cratering Analysis of telescopic and spacecraft imagery of planetary atmospheres and surfaces (member, Galileo SSI team; member, NEAR MSI/NIS team; member, MESSENGER science team) Analysis of terrestrial impact hazard and role of impacts in origin and destiny of life Fostering interdisciplinary communication among planetary scientists and improving dialog between planetary scientists and the lay public
(Boulder Office, Department of Space Studies of Div. 15 [Space Science Division]), Institute Scientist (member, Advisory Committee on Research), 1996- . Galileo Imaging Science Team; Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR-Shoemaker) Mission (MSI/NIS Imaging/Spectroscopy Team); MESSENGER (Discovery Program Mercury orbiter) Science Team; telescopic, interpretational, modelling, and theoretical studies of asteroids, comets, planetary surfaces, early solar system processes; popular writing; educational and public outreach. (Consulting Employee, Science Applications Intl. Corp., Feb. 1995 - 1999; Adjunct Professor and Collaborator in NASA CU Astrobiology Inst., Univ. Colorado 1998 - present.)
(A division of SJI since Feb. 1995; formerly a division of Science Applications International Corporation/SAIC), Senior Scientist. Division Scientist, 1979-1996. Spectrophotometry of asteroids and comet nuclei, interpretation of asteroid and meteorite spectra; accretion and fragmentation processes in the early solar system; studies of collisions and cratering; participation on Galileo Imaging Science Team. (On sabbatical to Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, August 1984 - February 1985).
Spectrophotometry of asteroids; selection of targets for asteroid space missions.
Spectrophotometry of planets and asteroids to find surface properties and genetic relations; cratering processes; interpretation of Mariner 6 and 7 imagery; studies of Galilean satellites, Mercury, and Saturn's rings.
Venus delay-doppler radar mapping and rotation period determination.
Motions and characteristics of Jupiter's spots; Jupiter general circulation.
Studies of motions and lifetimes of Jupiter spots using New Mexico State University Observatory planetary patrol plates; analysis of Taylor Column Hypothesis for Red Spot.
Studies of lunar and Martian cratering statistics and erosional models.
Interpretation of lunar photography, cartography; reduction of Ranger 7 photography; visual and photographic telescopic observing.
American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences Chairman (1982-1983) Member, DPS Committee (1978-1981) Chairman, Publications Subcommittee (1971-1974) Member (1979-1980) Chairman, Program Committee (1976-1977) Member (1974-1975, 1980) Chairman, Nominating Committee (1977) Member (1975-1977) Chairman, Kuiper/Urey Prize Subcommittee (1983-84) Representative to Planetary Meetings Steering Committee (1983-84) Winner of Sagan Medal for Excellence in Communication of Planetary Science (1999) American Geophysical Union, Planetology Section Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets (1991-94) American Association for the Advancement of Science Chairman, Nominating Committee, Astronomy Electorate (1981) Member (1978-1981) Member-at-Large, Astronomy Section Committee (1982-86) Fellow (2000- ) Meteoritical Society Chairman, Leonard Medal Committee (1983-84) Member (1980-83) Fellow (elected 1988) Council Member (1992-96) International Astronomical Union (elected 1976) Commission 15 President (1982-1985) Vice President (1979-1982) Member, Organizing Committee (1976-85) Commission 16 Commission 17 Working Group on NEO's (Member Org. Comm., 1998- ) American Planning Association (1985-90)
Consultant, IAU Task Group on Mercury Nomenclature (1974-1975) Consultant, IAU Commission 15 (1973-1976) Consultant, Working Group 2, IAU Commission 17, 1970's Member, URSA Lunar and Planetary Science Council (of the Lunar and Planetary Institute, 1975-1979) Member, Lunar Science Review Panel (1975-1977; 1980-1981) Member, NASA Terrestrial Bodies Science Working Group (1976-1977) Member, Committee on Planetary Exploration (COMPLEX), Space Science Board, National Academy of Sciences (1977-1980) Member, Infrared Telescope IRTF Review Committee (1979-1981) Member, Management Operations Working Group for NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (1981-86) Member, Small Bodies Working Group, NASA Solar System Exploration Committee (SSEC) (1981-1983) Member, Primitive Bodies Study Team, NAS/ESF Joint Working Group on Cooperation in Planetary Exploration (1983-1984) Member, NASA Solar System Exploration Management Council (1984-88) Head, Education Subcommittee (1986-88) Member, Comet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby Science Working Group (1984-1985) Member, Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Study Group (1985-87) Member, Management Operations Working Group for NASA Planetary Astronomy Program (1985-88) (Chairman, 1986-88) Member, NASA Planetary Astronomy Committee (1986-88) Member, M.I.T. Corp. Visiting Committee to Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (1986-91) Member, Organizing Committee, Asteroids II meeting (1988) Member, Working Sub-Group on Primitive Bodies of NASA Science Working Group for the Planetenteleskop Project (1987-89) Member, Organizing Committee, "The Sun in Time" meeting (1989) Chairman, Organizing Committee, International Conference on Near-Earth Asteroids (1991) Member, Organizing Committee, ACM91 meeting (1991) Member, NASA International Near-Earth-Object Detection Workshop (1991-93) Consultant, NASA Near-Earth Objects Survey Working Group (1994-95) Member, Organizing Committee, IAU Colloq. Mercury and the Moon (1996) Member, Workshop on "Prediction in the Earth Sciences: Use and Misuse in Policy Making (Geol. Soc. Am., Natl. Ctr. Atmos. Res.) (1997-99) Member, Task Group on Sample Return from Small Solar System Bodies, National Research Council (1997-8) Member, Scientific Organizing Committees, "Asteroids 2001" and "Asteroids III" Member, Scientific Program and Local Organizing Committees for "Jupiter" (2001)
Chairman, Publications Subcommittee, AAS Division for Planetary Sciences (1971-1974); Member (1979-1980) Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research (1976-1978) Member, Editorial Board, Icarus (1978-1980) Associate Editor, Icarus, (1981-1991) Associate Editor, Proceedings 8th Lunar Science Conference (1977) Co-Editor, Mercury, Univ. of Ariz. Press, 1988 (with F. Vilas and M.S. Matthews) Editor, Northwest (Tucson) Homeowners Association Newsletter (1977-89) Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets (1991-94)
Co-Author, Cosmic Catastrophes, Plenum, 1989 (with D. Morrison); Alternate Selections, Library of Science and Astronomy Book Club Author, Planets of Rock and Ice, Scribner's, 1982. Author, The Inner Planets, Scribner's, 1977; Alternate Selection, Library of Science Member, Advisory Board, "Tracking the 21st Century" Project, Tucson Public Library (1981-1983) Author, "News and Reviews" monthly column in The Planetary Report of The Planetary Society (1980-1999) Public Lecturer at Flandrau Planetarium, American Museum of Natural History, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte, Vancouver Planetarium, Rutgers University, Denver Museum Science & Nature, amateur astronomy groups, AARP, etc. Consultant, Scientist's Institute for Public Information, N.Y. City (1979-89) Contributor, The Planets, Bantam Books, 1985; #11 on B. Dalton's Bestseller list. Author, Solar System Exploration: Discovering our Origins and Destiny, NASA brochure (1988) Listed in "Contemporary Authors" Author, popular articles in Sky & Telescope, Mercury, Scientific American, Astronomy, Tucson Weekly News, Pacific Discovery, The Skeptical Inquirer, The Planetary Report, New Scientist, Physics World Author, News & Views articles, Nature magazine (1990- ) Consultant, Time-Life Books (1989-90) Author, Voyage to Neptune, NASA Special Publication, in press. Author, New Book of Knowledge and many other encyclopedias Consultant, "Cosmic Catastrophes", Hansen Planetarium (1990-92). Curator, "IMPACT" exhibit, Univ. Colorado Museum of Natural History (1997-9) Liaison between Science Team and E&PO Program, MESSENGER Discovery Mission (1997- ) Author, article on "Earth", Encyclopedia Britannica (1992) Interviewee, (inter)national radio/TV/Internet news and talk shows (CBS, PBS, NPR, BBC, NHK, CNN, CBC, Fox, etc.) concerning impact hazard, S-L 9, Europa, etc., (1991-2001)
Civic Activities (Tucson AZ and Nederland CO)
Precinct Committeeman, Democratic Party (1987-88) Editor, Northwest Homeowners Association Newsletter (1977-89) Member, Pima County Planning and Zoning Commission (1985-89) Chairman, Grading Ordinance Subcommittee (1986-89) Chairman, Weekend Directional Signs Subcommittee (1989) Member, Board of Directors, Neighborhood Coalition of Greater Tucson (1987-1996) Co-recipient, Citizen of the Year Award, Federation of Pima Homeowners Associations (1988) Coauthor, Transportation Section, MEPP Plan (adopted, Boulder County Comp. Plan) (2000) Representative (for PUMA), Boulder County Fire Mitigation Group (2000)
Short version of Clark R. Chapman's
Very short version of Clark R.
Chapman's c.v.
R. Chapman's Publications. (www.boulder.swri.edu/clark/pub.html: 132 publications in peer-reviewed journals
and books;
author, co-author, editor of 10 books/dissertations; 48 articles in popular science
magazines and encyclopedias)
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