More binaries...lots more...
In IAUC 8811, 8814, 8815, and 8816, Noll et al. report satellites of five TNOs
from HST observations:
In IAUC 8812, Brown and Suer report satellites of four TNOs from HST
There were no new TNO, SDO, Centaur, or Neptune Trojan discoveries announced or reclassifications of objects since the previous issue of Distant EKOs.
Objects recently assigned numbers:
1999 RA216 = (148112)
2000 CR105 = (148209)
2001 CZ31 = (150642)
2001 UQ18 = (148780)
2001 XA255 = (148975)
2002 VA131 = (149349)
2002 VS130 = (149348)
2003 QZ91 = (149560)
Current number of TNOs: 1026 (including Pluto)
Current number of Centaurs/SDOs: 195
Current number of Neptune Trojans: 5
Out of a total of 1226 objects:
512 have measurements from only one opposition
463 of those have had no measurements for more than a year
248 of those have arcs shorter than 10 days
(for more details, see:
Recent discoveries have shown that the very largest Kuiper belt objects - Eris, 2005 FY9 and Sedna - are coated in methane, and may contain other volatile ices as well. New detailed observations show that even within this class of volatile-rich bodies unexpected differences exist in their surface compositions. 2005 FY9, a body approximately 60% the size of Pluto, with a reflectance spectrum similarly dominated by methane, has a surface depleted in molecular nitrogen by at least an order in magnitude with respect to Pluto. We find that the existence this new class of volatile-rich objects, the lack of volatiles on most Kuiper belt objects, and even the otherwise peculiar surface of 2005 FY9 can be explained as a consequence of atmospheric escape of volatile compounds. While previous studies of the surface compositions of objects in the Kuiper belt have found no explainable patterns, atmospheric escape appears to provide a first-order explanation of the range of surface spectra seen on bodies in the outer solar system.
To appear in: Astrophysical Journal
For preprints, contact
The possibility of interrelation between long-period comets and 2003 UB313, a recently discovered large Kuiper Belt body, is investigated. For this purpose, 78 objects crossing the plane of motion of this body at distances from 37.8 to 97.6 AU have been selected from 860 long-period comets. The overpopulation of comets with this characteristic is also considered. The plane of motion of 2003 UB313 is compared with the orbital planes of other objects in number of comet crossings in the specified distance interval or in some parts of it. A statistically significant overpopulation of elliptic and intermediate comets with the corresponding orbital nodes has been established. Recently discovered and absolutely faint comets show the best effect in this sense. The same is also true for comets with osculating eccentricities e < 1. A similar result is also obtained for comets with ``original'' a1 > 0.010000. It is hypothesized that the 2003 UB313 family is present among the 78 comets. Four of them have aphelion distances from 37.8 to 97.6 AU. An ellipticity is traceable in the distribution of some of the 78 distant nodes. This may be considered as a further argument for the suggested hypothesis. Generally, the body 2003 UB313 may be assumed to play a prominent role in injecting observable comets from the transneptunian region.
Published in: Solar System Research, 41, 46 (2007 February)
[Astronomicheskii Vestnik, 41, 51]
As many as 5 ice giants--Neptune-mass planets composed of 90%
ice and rock and
10% hydrogen--are thought to form at
heliocentric distances of
10-25 AU on closely packed orbits
5 Hill radii apart. Such oligarchies are ultimately
unstable. Once the parent disk of planetesimals is sufficiently
depleted, oligarchs perturb one another onto crossing orbits. We
explore both the onset and the outcome of the instability through
numerical integrations, including dynamical friction cooling of
planets by a planetesimal disk whose properties are held fixed. To
trigger instability and the ejection of the first ice giant in
systems having an original surface density in oligarchs of
1 gm/cm2, the disk surface density
must fall
0.1 gm/cm2. Ejections are predominantly by
Jupiter and occur within
yr. To eject more than
1 oligarch requires
gm/cm2. For certain
choices of
and initial semi-major axes of planets, systems
starting with up to 4 oligarchs in addition to Jupiter and Saturn
can readily yield solar-system-like outcomes in which 2 surviving
ice giants lie inside 30 AU and have their orbits circularized by
dynamical friction. Our findings support the idea that planetary
systems begin in more crowded and compact configurations, like those
of shear-dominated oligarchies. In contrast to previous studies,
we identify
as the regime relevant for
understanding the evolution of the outer solar system, and we
encourage future studies to concentrate on this regime while relaxing
our assumption of a fixed planetesimal disk. Whether evidence of
the instability can be found in Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) is
unclear, since in none of our simulations do marauding oligarchs
excite as large a proportion of KBOs having inclinations
as is observed.
To appear in: The Astrophysical Journal
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
The physical surface properties of a trans-Neptunian Object is believed to be mainly produced as a result of interplay between irradiation from different kinds of cosmic rays and collisions. Objects recently resurfaced by collisions are likely to have very different physical properties from those of the bulk population. In particular, pristine ices from the interior are expected to be present on the surface. A possible way to identify a trans-Neptunian object that has suffered a major collision is by investigating the lifetime of the orbit near its present location. If the lifetime is very short, a physical encounter is a possible way by which the TNO has evolved into such a short lived orbit.
The goal of this investigation is to search for tracers of a young surface on objects with very short orbital lifetimes in the trans-Neptunian Belt. We are looking for any evidence that indicates that they reached their current unstable orbits through collisions. In particular, we have studied the case of (59358) 1999 CL158, a trans-Neptunian object that currently has the most chaotic orbit in the Classical Belt.
By numerically integration its orbit, we estimate that
(59358) 1999 CL158 has resided near its location for about
10 Myr. We have also obtained a near-infrared spectrum of
(59358) 1999 CL158 in the region between 1.43-1.96 microns
using the near infrared imager and spectrograph, NIRI, at Gemini
North 8-m telescope. These NIR observations are of the faintest and
smallest TNO so far observed.
We present the results of the search of ice-bands, such as CH4 and H2O, having found evidence of the presence of the first mentioned molecule. The detection of methane implies that it must be an abundant component of this object. Methane is also evidence of a young surface, therefore we conclude that it is likely that (59358) 1999 CL158 has experienced a recent collision or collisions.
To appear in: Astronomy and Astrophysics
For preprints, contact
We have completed a low-inclination ecliptic survey for distant and
slow-moving bright objects in the outer solar system. This survey
used data taken over 34 months by the University of Arizona's
Spacewatch Project based at Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak. Spacewatch
revisits the same sky area every three to seven nights in order to
track cohorts of main-belt asteroids. This survey used a multiple-night
detection scheme to extend our rate sensitivity to as low as
0.012 arcsec hr-1. When combined with our plate scale and flux
sensitivity (), this survey was sensitive to Mars-sized
objects out to 300 AU and Jupiter-sized planets out to 1200 AU. The
survey covered approximately 8000 deg2 of raw sky, mostly within
of the ecliptic but away from the Galactic center. An
automated motion-detection program was modified for this multinight
search and processed approximately 2 terabytes of imagery into
motion candidates. This survey discovered 2003 MW12, currently
the tenth largest classical Kuiper Belt object. In addition, several
known large Kuiper Belt objects and Centaurs were detected, and the
detections were used with a model of our observational biases to
make population estimates as a check on our survey efficiency. We
found no large objects at low inclinations despite having sufficient
sensitivity in both flux and rate to see them out as far as 1200 AU.
For low inclinations, we can rule out more than one to two Pluto-sized
objects out to 100 AU and one to two Mars-sized objects to 200 AU.
Published in: The Astronomical Journal, 133, 1247 (2007 April)
All four giant planets in the Solar system possess irregular satellites, characterized by large, highly eccentric and/or inclined orbits that are distinct from the nearly circular, uninclined orbits of the regular satellites. This difference can be traced directly to different modes of formation. Whereas the regular satellites grew by accretion within circumplanetary disks, the irregular satellites were captured from initially heliocentric orbits at an early epoch. Recently, powerful survey observations have greatly increased the number of known irregular satellites, permitting a fresh look at the group properties of these objects and motivating a re-examination of the mechanisms of capture. None of the suggested mechanisms, including gas-drag, pull-down, and three-body capture, convincingly fit the group characteristics of the irregular satellites. The sources of the satellites also remain unidentified.
To appear in: Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 45
Preprints available on the web at
Millisecond Dips in the RXTE/PCA Light Curve of Sco X-1 and TNO Occultation
Hsiang-Kuang Chang1,2, Jau-Shian Liang1, Chih-Yuan Liu2, and Sun-Kun King3
1 Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan
2 Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan
3 Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Submitted to: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
The Water Ice Rich Surface of (145453) 2005 RR43:
A Case for a Population of Trans-Neptunian Objects?
N. Pinilla-Alonso 1, J. Licandro2,3, R. Gil-Hutton4, and R. Brunetto5,6
1 Fundación Galileo Galilei & Telescopio Nazionale Galileo,
P.O.Box 565, E-38700, S/C de La Palma, Tenerife, Spain
2 Isaac Newton Group, E-38700, Santa Cruz de La Palma, Tenerife, Spain
3 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, c/Vía
Láctea s/n, E38205, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
4 Complejo Astronómico El Leoncito (Casleo) and San Juan
National University, Av. España 1512 sur,J5402DSP, San Juan, Argentina
5 INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Via S. Sofia 78,
95123, Catania, Italy
6 Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Lecce, Via Arnesano,
I-73100, Lecce, Italy
Submitted to: Astronomy & Astrophysics
For preprints, contact
or online at
Is the Outer Solar System Chaotic?
Wayne B. Hayes1
1 Computer Science Department, University of California, Irvine, California, 92697-3435, USA
Preprints available online at
On the Dynamics of Resonant Kuiper Belt Objects
Ing-Guey Jiang1 and Li-Chin Yeh2
1 Department of Physics, National Tsing-Hua University,
Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
2 Department of Applied Mathematics, National Hsinchu
University of Education, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
To appear in: the proceedings of the 9th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting
Preprints available on the web at
Daniel Mege ( sent out the following announcement:
Just to let you know that the 19 presentations at the TNO workshop held in Nantes, France, on Jan 11-12 in connexion with the New Horizons mission are now online. The aim of the workshop was taking stock of the current astronomical, geophysical, and geological activities related to the Pluto system and the TNOs in the French research community, and also introducing the New Horizons instruments and sequence of events to the participants.
The presentations can be found online at:
Below are some chapters from the ``Kuiper Belt'' book (M.A. Barucci, H. Boehnhardt,D. Cruikshank, and A. Morbidelli, eds.; University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 2007). I will include other chapters in later issues of the newsletter if they are submitted to me, as well as an outline of the full book when it is published.
Detecting heat from minor planets in the outer solar system
is challenging, yet it is the most efficient means for constraining
the albedos and sizes of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) and their progeny,
the Centaur objects. These physical parameters are critical, e.g., for
interpreting spectroscopic data, deriving densities from the masses of
binary systems, and predicting occultation tracks. Here we summarize
Spitzer Space Telescope observations of 47 KBOs and Centaurs at
wavelengths near 24 and 70m. We interpret the measurements using
a variation of the Standard Thermal Model (STM) to derive the physical
properties (albedo and diameter) of the targets. We also summarize
the results of other efforts to measure the albedos and sizes of KBOs
and Centaurs. The three or four largest KBOs appear to constitute a
distinct class in terms of their albedos. From our Spitzer results,
we find that the geometric albedo of KBOs and Centaurs is correlated
with perihelion distance (darker objects having smaller perihelia), and
that the albedos of KBOs (but not Centaurs) are correlated with size
(larger KBOs having higher albedos). We also find hints that albedo may be
correlated with with visible color (for Centaurs). Interestingly, if the
color correlation is real, redder Centaurs appear to have higher albedos.
Finally, we briefly discuss the prospects for future thermal observations
of these primitive outer solar system objects.
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Binaries have played a crucial role many times in the history of modern astronomy and are doing so again in the rapidly evolving exploration of the Kuiper Belt. The large fraction of transneptunian objects that are binary or multiple, 48 such systems are now known, has been an unanticipated windfall. Separations and relative magnitudes measured in discovery images give important information on the statistical properties of the binary population that can be related to competing models of binary formation. Orbits, derived for 13 systems, provide a determination of the system mass. Masses can be used to derive densities and albedos when an independent size measurement is available. Angular momenta and relative sizes of the majority of binaries are consistent with formation by dynamical capture. The small satellites of the largest transneptunian objects, in contrast, are more likely formed from collisions. Correlations of the fraction of binaries with different dynamical populations or with other physical variables have the potential to constrain models of the origin and evolution of the transneptunian population as a whole. Other means of studying binaries have only begun to be exploited, including lightcurve, color, and spectral data. Because of the several channels for obtaining unique physical information, it is already clear that binaries will emerge as one of the most useful tools for unraveling the many complexities of transneptunian space.
Preprints available on the web at
The dust disks observed around mature stars are evidence that
plantesimals are present in these systems on spatial scales that
are similar to that of the asteroids and the KBOs in the Solar
System. These dust disks (a.k.a. ``debris disks'') present a wide
range of sizes, morphologies and properties. It is inferred that
their dust mass declines with time as the dust-producing planetesimals
get depleted, and that this decline can be punctuated by large
spikes that are produced as a result of individual collisional
events. The lack of solid state features indicate that, generally,
the dust in these disks have sizes greater than approximately
10 m, but exceptionally, strong silicate features in some disks
suggest the presence of large quantities of small grains, thought
to be the result of recent collisions.
Spatially resolved observations of debris disks show a diversity
of structural features, such as inner cavities, warps, offsets,
brightness asymmetries, spirals, rings and clumps. There is growing
evidence that, in some cases, these structures are the result of
the dynamical perturbations of a massive planet. Our Solar System
also harbors a debris disk and some of its properties resemble those
of extra-solar debris disks. From the cratering record, we can infer
that its dust mass has decayed with time, and that there was at
least one major ``spike'' in the past during the Late Heavy
Bombardment. This offers a unique opportunity to use extra-solar
debris disks to shed some light in how the Solar System might have
looked in the past. Similarly, our knowledge of the Solar System
is influencing our understanding of the types of processes which
might be at play in the extra-solar debris disks.
For preprints, contact
We accept submissions for the following sections:
Distant EKOs is not a refereed publication, but is a tool for furthering communication among people interested in Kuiper belt research. Publication or listing of an article in the Newsletter or the web page does not constitute an endorsement of the article's results or imply validity of its contents. When referencing an article, please reference the original source; Distant EKOs is not a substitute for peer-reviewed journals.