Planetary Science Directorate Personnel

Planetary Science Directorate at Chautauqua Park, May 23, 2007. (Previous pictures here.)
Front Row (L-R): Dirk Terrell, Dan Durda, Alisha Gorbet, Traci Case, Bill Ward, Jeanette Thorn, Pamela Batchelor, Robin Canup, Kandis Lea Jessup,
Bill Merline, Amy Barr, Emma Birath, Allyson Bieryla
Row Two (L-R): Bill Bottke, Bob Grimm, Clark Chapman, Joyce Manzone, Diane Miller, Erika Barth, Cathy Olkin, Leslie Young, Henry Throop,
Joel Parker, Cindy Conrad, Tanya Tavenner
Row Three (L-R): Peter Tamblyn, Tim Michaels, David Stillman, Scott Rafkin, Scott McIntosh, Joe Peterson, Derek Lamb, David Vokrouhlicky
Row Four (L-R): Andrew Steffl, Keith Harrison, David Kaufmann, Norm Heinen, Luke Dones, Oleg Abramov, Jason Cook
Not pictured: John Andrews, Mark Bullock, Nathaniel Cunningham, Craig DeForest, Brian Enke, Don Hassler, Hal Levison, Jessica Lovering, Kerry Neal,
Roger Phillips, Than Putzig, Laurel Rachmeler, Jude Sabato, John Spencer, Meredith Wills-Davey, Eliot Young
Associate Vice President, Boulder Office/Planetary Science Directorate:
Director of Boulder Operations:
Director, Department of Space Studies (DoSS):
Director, Department of Space Operations (DoSO):
Science Program Directors:
Program Managers:
Engineers and Analysts:
Chris Anderson
Pamela Batchelor
Traci Case
Debi Geolfos
Joyce Manzone
Diane Miller
Jeanette Thorn
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