9 Aug 1997: A narrow portion of the first, quick-reduction,
SWUIS Hale-Bopp comet acquisition
image taken from Discovery is shown here with minimal processing.
9 Aug 1997: Two computer enhanced versions of a portion of
the same visible+UV acquisition sequence. Integration time of 83.3s.
9 Aug 1997: A false-color 23s integration of comet Hale-Bopp obtained
during the aquisition for Discovery's 2nd orbit of SWUIS observations.
12 Aug 1997: A false-color 40s integration of comet Hale-Bopp obtained
during the aquisition for Discovery's 3rd orbit of SWUIS observations.
Ground-based 5 minute exposure photo of Hale-Bopp and trails caused by the
passage of the space shuttle and free-flying payload. (Photo courtesy and
© of Gordon Garradd.)
Photo of SWUIS set up and operating in the mid-deck of the Shuttle
Discovery during its first run on 9 August 1997.
Mission specialist Steve Robinson looking through the
SWUIS finder scope and making a fine adjustment during the acquisition of
comet Hale-Bopp; note the SWUIS checklists and run plan matrix to the right.
9 Aug 1997. A portrait in the shuttle middeck of SWUIS and MS Robinson after
a job well done!