The first issue of the Distant EKOs newsletter was well received, and with this second issue there are some new additions:
A Distant EKOs webpage is now available at:
The web pages contain current and past issues of the newsletter in various formats (PostScript, PDF, HTML) so those of you who prefer not extracting and compiling the LATEX version can get the issues there.
Also on these pages are:
Extensive lists of articles and references with links to the abstracts
and full articles;
Tables of all EKOs and Centaurs, giving coordinates and published
observations (photometry by filter, spectroscopy, etc.) for each object,
with links to each article that presents the data;
A glossary targeted to the casual web-reader, journalist, etc. who may
not know some of the specialized terms you may use in your papers. (If
you have or know of similar glossary/jargon definition pages that I could
include as links, or if you would like to add some definitions I missed,
let me know.)
Links to other related sites of interest to Kuiper belt researchers.
And thanks again to everyone who has given me feedback on the Newsletter and the web pages. Any comments/suggestions are always welcome.
A new Centaur, 1998 SG35, has been discovered, bringing the total number of known Centaurs to eight. See MPEC 1998-S41 ( Observers are encouraged to obtain recovery observations to avoid losing this object.
Pencil-Beam Surveys for Faint Trans-Neptunian Objects
B. Gladman1, J. Kavelaars2, P. Nicholson3, T. Loredo3and J.A. Burns3
1 Observatoire de Nice, B.P. 4229, 06304 Nice Cedex 4, FRANCE
2 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University, CANADA
3 Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, USA
Motivated by a desire to understand the size distribution of objects in the
Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, an observing program has been conducted at the Palomar
5-m and Canada-France-Hawaii 3.6-m telescopes. We have conducted pencil-beam
searches for outer solar system objects to a limiting magnitude of .
The fields were searched using software recombinations of many short exposures
shifted at different angular rates in order to detect objects at differing
heliocentric distances. Five new trans-neptunian objects were detected in
these searches. Our combined data set provides an estimate of
trans-neptunian objects per square degree brighter than
estimate is a factor of 3 above the expected number of objects based on an
extrapolation of previous surveys with brighter limits, and appears consistent
with the hypothesis of a single power-law luminosity function for the entire
trans-neptunian region. Maximum likelihood fits to all self-consistent
published surveys with published efficiency functions predicts a cumulative sky
objects per square
degree brighter than a given magnitude R.
To appear in: Astronomical Journal, 116, 2042-2054
For preprints contact
Observations of Distant Solar System Bodies
P. Magnusson1, C.-I. Lagerkvist1, J.S.V. Lagerros1M. Dahlgren1M. Lundström1
1 Astronomiska Observatoriet, Box 515, S-752 20 Uppsala, Sverige
Multicolour VRI photometry and astrometry of one Centaur and seven Edgeworth-Kuiper objects were obtained. One object, 1994 JQ1, may be as red as 5145 Pholus, the reddest minor planet previously known. The Centaur 1995 DW2 has more moderate colour indices, similar to main-belt asteroids. Seven R-magnitudes were obtained for 1994 JS, 1995 FB21, and 1995 GY7. No light variation above the expected noise is evident, apart from a few outliers. A total of 47 astrometric positions were obtained for the eight objects. The four nights of observations with the ESO New Technology Telescope covered 0.52 square degrees. Two previously unknown objects, 1995 FB21 and 1995 GY7, were discovered. We estimate the density of Edgeworth-Kuiper objects brighter than R=24 to be 5.3 per square degree of sky near the ecliptic.
To appear in: Astronomische Nachrichten, 319, 251
A Dust Ring around Eridani: Analog to the Young Solar System
J.S. Greaves1, W.S. Holland1, G. Moriarty-Schieven1,
T. Jenness1, W.R.F. Dent2, B. Zuckerman3, C. McCarthy3,
R.A. Webb3, H.M. Butner4, W.K. Gear5 and H.J. Walker6
1 Joint Astronomy Centre, 660 N. A`ohoku Place,
University Park, Hilo, HI 96720
2 Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh EH9 3HJ, U.K.
3 Department of Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, CA 90095
4 SMTO, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
5 Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, Holmbury
St. Mary, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6NT, U.K.
6 CLRC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX, U.K.
Dust emission around the nearby star
Eridani has been imaged using a
new submillimetre camera (SCUBA at the JCMT). At 850
wavelength a ring
of dust is seen, peaking at 60 AU from the star and with much lower emission
inside 30 AU. The mass of the ring is at least
0.01 M
dust, while an upper limit of 0.4 M
in molecular gas is imposed by
CO observations. The total mass is comparable to the estimated amount of
material, 0.04-0.3 M
in comets orbiting the Solar System.
The most probable origin of the the ring structure is that it is a young
analogue to the Kuiper Belt in our Solar System, and that the central region
has been partially cleared by the formation of grains into planetesimals. Dust
clearing around
Eri is seen within the radius of Neptune's orbit,
and the peak emission at 35-75 AU lies within the estimated Kuiper Belt zone
of 30-100 AU radius.
Eri is a main-sequence star of type K2V (0.8
with an estimated age of 0.5-1.0 Gyr, so this interpretation is
consistent with the early history of the Solar System where heavy bombardment
occurred up to
0.6 Gyr. An unexpected discovery is substructure
within the ring, and these asymmetries could be due to perturbations by
To appear in: Astrophysical Journal Letters, 506, L133
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Search for Trans-Neptunian Objects: An Automated Technique Applied to Images Obtained with the UH 8k CCD Mosaic Camera
P. Rousselot1, F. Lombard1, and G. Moreels1
1 Observatoire de Besançon, BP 1615, 25010 Besançon Cedex, France
In this paper we present the results obtained with a new program dedicated to
the automatic detection of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) with standard sets of
images obtained in a same field of view. This program is available freely from
the World Wide Web server of the Observatory of Besançon ( and is designed to be
used with the Munich Image Data Analysis System (MIDAS) developed by The
European Southern Observatory (ESO). It has been tested with observational data
collected with the UH 8k CCD mosaic Camera on October 27, 1997, at the prime
focus of the CFH telescope (Mauna Kea, Hawaii). These observational data had
lead, by the classical method of blinking, to a first detection of a new TNO
with a magnitude estimated at 23.6 and an unusually high orbital inclination
). The program managed to detect this object, as well as
detecting another TNO (
23.9), confirming its ability to detect faint
moving objects.
To appear in:
Astronomy & Astrophysics
For preprints contact
Detection of Water Ice on Nereid
M.E. Brown1, C.D. Koresko1, and G.A. Blake1
1 Division of Geological and Planetary Science, Caltech
We report the detection of the 1.5 and 2.0 m absorption bands of water ice
in the near-infrared reflection spectrum of Neptune's distant irregular
satellite Nereid. The spectrum and albedo of Nereid appear intermediate between
those of the Uranian satellites Umbriel and Oberon, suggesting a surface
composed of a combination of water ice frost and a dark and spectrally neutral
material. In contrast, the surface of Nereid appears dissimilar to those of the
outer solar system minor planets Chiron, Pholus, and 1997 CU26. The
spectrum thus provides support to the hypothesis that Nereid is a regular
satellite formed in a circum-planetary environment rather than a captured
To appear in: Astrophysical Journal Letters, Dec 1, 1998.
Preprints on the web at
Kuiper Belt Evolution due to Dynamical Friction
A. Del Popolo1,2, E. Spedicato2, M. Gambera1,3
1 Istituto di Astronomia dell'Università Catania, Viale A.Doria,
6 - I 95125, Catania, Italy
3 Dipartimento di Matematica, Università Statale di Bergamo, Piazza Rosate, 2 - I 24129, Bergamo, Italy
3 Observatoria Astrofisico di Catania and CNR-GNA, Viale A.Doria,
6 - I 95125, Catania, Italy
Submitted to:
Astronomy & Astrophysics
For reprints contact:
Origin of Trans-Neptunian Asteroids
A. T. Van Flandern1
1 Meta Research, P.O. Box 15186, Chevy Chase, MD 20825
Published in:
Meta Research Bulletin, vol. 4, #3, pp. 42-46
Available on the web at
I've done a search of the abstracts from the recent DPS meeting to find all(?) papers related to the Kuiper belt. The abstracts are available via the web links given, but also through the AAS web page:
The discovery of two irregular Uranian satellites
Nicholson, P. D.1, Burns, J. A.1, Gladman, B. J.2, Kavelaars, J.
J.3, Marsden, B. G.4, Williams, G. V.4, Aksnes, K.4, & Offutt, W.
1Cornell, 2CITA, 3McMaster University, 4SAO, 5Cloudcroft NM
Abstract available at:
High-eccentricity non-secular Three-Period Resonances inside
Two-period Resonances (Kirkwood Gaps)
Ferraz-Mello, S.1, Michtchenko, T.A.1, & Roig, F.1
1IAGUSP, Univ. Sao Paulo, Brazil
Abstract available at:
Elementary/Middle School Activities on Scale and Distance in
the Solar System
Urquhart, M. L.1
1U of Colorado
Abstract available at:
Middle School Adventures in Planetary Exploration
Limaye, S. S.1 & Pertzborn, R. A.1
1Space Science & Engineering Center, UW-Madison
Abstract available at:
Giant planet orbital migration in the early Solar system
Malhotra, R.1
Abstract available at:
Radial Migration of Planets Embedded in a Massive Planetesimal
Hahn, J.M.1 & Malhotra, R.1
Abstract available at:
Imaging a Circumstellar Disk around a Star with a
Radial-Velocity Planetary Companion
Trilling, D. E.1 & Brown, R. H.1
Abstract available at:
Signatures of Planets on Extra-solar Circumstellar Dust Disk
Liou, J.-C.1 & Zook, H. A.2
1GB Tech/Lockheed Martin, 2NASA/JSC
Abstract available at:
Observation of solar-system objects with the ISO satellite
Encrenaz, T.1
1DESPA, Paris-Meudon Observatory, France
Abstract available at:
ISOPHOT observations of the Pluto-Charon system: Pluto's
thermal lightcurve
Lellouch, E.1, Laureijs, R.2, Schmitt, B.3, Quirico, E.4, De Bergh,
C.5, Crovisier, J.5, & Coustenis, A.5
1Obs. Meudon, 2ISO SOC, Villafranca, 3LGGE, Grenoble, 4IAS,
Orsay, 5Obs. Meudon
Abstract available at:
ISO Spectroscopic Observations of comets 22P/Kopff and
103P/Hartley 2
Crovisier, J.1, Bockelee-Morvan, D.1, Encrenaz, T.1, Lellouch, E.1,
Altieri, B.2, Leech, K.2, Salama, A.2, Griffin, M.3, De Graauw, T.4,
Van Dishoeck, E.5, Knacke, R.6, & Brooke, T.Y.7
1Obs. Paris, 2ESA, Villafranca, 3Queen Mary and Westfield
College, London, 4SRON, Groningen, 5Leiden Obs., 6Penn. State
Erie, 7J.P.L.
Abstract available at:
Centaur 5145 Pholus As a Comet Nucleus
Cruikshank, D. P.1, Roush, T. L.1, Bartholomew, M. J.1, Pendleton, Y.
J.1, White, S. M.1, Bernstein, M. P.1, Dalle Ore, C. M.1, Khare, B.
N.1, Geballe, T. R.2, Davies, J. K.2, Owen, T. C.3, Tholen, D. J.3,
De Bergh, C.4, Bell, J. F., III5, Brown, R. H.6, & Tryka, K. A.7
1NASA Ames, 2JAC Hawaii, 3IFA Hawaii, 4Obs. Paris,
5Cornell U., 6LPL Arizona, 7NAU/JPL
Abstract available at:
Pluto's Atmosphere above 1500 km
Krasnopolsky, V. A.1 & Cruikshank, D. P.2
Abstract available at:
Seasonal Monitoring of Pluto: 1998 Status Report
Buie, M. W.1 & Grundy, W. M.1
1Lowell Observatory
Abstract available at:
Reflectance Spectroscopy of the Individual Members of the
Pluto/Charon System: HST/NICMOS Results
Dumas, C.1, Terrile, R. J.1, Burgasser, A.2, Brown, R.3, Rieke,
M.3, Schneider, G.3, Thompson, R.3, & Koerner, D.4
1JPL, 2Caltech, 3Univ. Arizona, 4Univ. Pennsylvania
Abstract available at:
The Diameter of Pluto: A Re-Analysis of Kuiper's Disk Meter
Marcialis, R.L.1 & Merline, W. J.2
1LPL/U. Arizona, 2SWRI
Abstract available at:
Two Distinct Populations of Kuiper Belt Objects
Tegler, S.C.1 & Romanishin, W.2
1Northern Arizona Univ, 2Univ Oklahoma
Abstract available at:
Spectroscopic observations of Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt (EKB)
Barucci, M.A.1, Tholen, D. J.2, Doressoundiram, A.3, Fulchignoni,
M.4, & Lazzarin, M.5
1Paris Obs., 2Univ. Hawaii, 3Torino Obs., 4Univ. Paris VII,
5Padova Obs.
Abstract available at:
Physical Studies of Kuiper Belt Objects with NICMOS
Noll, K. S.1 & Luu, J.2
1STScI, 2Leiden Univ.
Abstract available at:
Infrared Spectroscopy of Centaurs and Irregular Satellites
Brown, M. E.1
Abstract available at:
Evolution of an Initial Massive Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt:
Accretion and Collisional History
Davis, D. R.1 & Farinella, P.2
1Planetary Science Institute, 2Universit'a di Pisa
Abstract available at:
Collisional and Cratering Rates in the Kuiper Belt:
Applications to Surface Activation and Modification
Durda, D. D.1 & Stern, S. A.1
1Southwest Research Institute
Abstract available at:
Simulations of the Formation of the Oort Cloud of Comets
Dones, L.1, Duncan, M. J.2, Levison, H. F.3, & Weissman, P. R.4
1NASA Ames and SJSU Foundation, 2Queen's University, 3Southwest
Research Institute, Boulder, 4Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Abstract available at:
Stellar Perturbations of the Kuiper Belt
Weissman, P. R.1
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Abstract available at:
The Spacewatch Survey for Bright Kuiper Belt Objects
Larsen, J. A.1
1Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona
Abstract available at:
Search for Trans-Neptunian Objects: a new MIDAS context
confronted with some results obtained with the UH 8k CCD Mosaic Camera
Rousselot, P.1, Lombard, F.1, & Moreels, G.1
1Observatoire de Besanceon
Abstract available at:
Progress Report on the 1.8-meter Spacewatch Telescope
McMillan, R. S.1, Bressi, T. H.1, Descour, A. S.1, Gehrels, T.1,
Larsen, J. A.1, Montani, J. L.1, Perry, M. L.1, Read, M. T.1, &
Tubbiolo, A. F.1
Abstract available at:
Spectroscopic investigation of the Centaurs
Lazzarin, M.1 & Barucci, M.A.2
1Astronomy Dpt., Padova University, 2Observatoire de Paris
Abstract available at:
1-2 Micron Grism Spectroscopy of Centaurs and Kuiper Belt
Objects from NICMOS
McCarthy, D.W.1, Campins, H.1, Kern, S.1, Brown, R. H.1, Stolovy,
S.1, & Rieke, M.1
Abstract available at:
The Dusty Carbon Monoxide Coma of (2060) P/Chiron
Sekiguchi, T.1, Watanabe, J.1, & Boice, D. C.1
1National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Abstract available at:
We accept submissions for the following sections:
Distant EKOs is not a refereed publication, but is a tool for
furthering communication among people interested in Kuiper belt research.
Publication or listing of an article in the Newsletter or the web page does
not constitute an endorsement of the article's results or imply validity of its
contents. When referencing an article, please reference the original source;
Distant EKOs is not a substitute for peer-reviewed journals.