The discovery that 1998 WW31 is a binary TNO was announced in IAUC 7610 by
Veillet and collaborators. The components differ in brightness by about
0.4 mag, and their maximum separation is at least 40,000 km.
The IAU Circular is available at:
There were 2 new TNO discoveries announced since the previous issue of the Distant EKOs Newsletter:
2000 YQ142, 2001 FU172
and 1 new Centaur/SDO discovery:
2001 FZ173
Reclassified objects:
1998 WA31 (TNO
2000 FF8 (TNO
2000 GV146 (SDO
2000 GY146 (SDO
Current number of TNOs: 368 (and Pluto & Charon)
Current number of Centaurs/SDOs: 68
The orbits of thirty two plutinos that are presently in the 3:2 mean motion resonance with Neptune have been integrated numerically and accurately to 108 years into the future. Fourteen of them are found in unstable orbits after encountering Neptune or Pluto. Six of eighteen plutinos with stable orbits are in the Kozai resonance or around its separatrix zone. No node to node, perihelion to perihelion secular resonance or the so called 1:1 super resonance are found.
Published in: Astronomy & Astrophysics, 368, 700 (2001 March)
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
We have surveyed for Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) in six fields of the ecliptic
(total sky area 1.5 deg2) to limiting magnitudes between R = 24.9 and R =
25.9. This is deep enough to detect KBOs of diameter 160 km at a distance of
65 AU. We detected 24 objects. None of these objects, however, is beyond 53 AU.
Our survey places a 95% CL upper limit of
deg-2 on the
surface density of KBOs larger than 160 km beyond 55 AU. This can be compared
to the surface density of 6 deg-2 of 160 km KBOs at distances 30-50 AU
determined from this survey and previous shallower surveys. The mean volume
density of D > 160 km KBOs in the 55-65 AU region is, at greater than 95%
confidence, less than the mean density in the 30-50 AU region, and at most
two-thirds of the mean density from 40 to 50 AU. Thus, a substantial density
increase beyond 50 AU is excluded in this model-independent estimate. A dense
primordial disk could be present beyond 50 AU if it contains only smaller
objects or is sufficiently thin and inclined to have escaped detection in our
six survey fields.
Published in: The Astrophysical Journal, 549, L241 (2001 March 10)
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
We present the results of a wide-field survey designed to measure the
size, inclination, and radial distributions of Kuiper Belt Objects
(KBOs). The survey found 86 KBOs in 73 square degrees observed to
limiting red magnitude 23.7 using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
and the 12k x 8k CCD Mosaic camera. For the first time, both ecliptic
and off-ecliptic fields were examined to more accurately constrain the
inclination distribution of the KBOs. The survey data were processed
using an automatic moving object detection algorithm, allowing a
careful characterization of the biases involved. In this work, we
quantify fundamental parameters of the Classical KBOs (CKBOs), the
most numerous objects found in our sample, using the new data and a
maximum likelihood simulation. Deriving results from our best-fit
model, we find that the size distribution follows a differential power
law with exponent
q = 4.0+0.6-0.5 (,
or 68.27%
confidence). In addition, the CKBOs inhabit a very thick disk
consistent with a Gaussian distribution of inclinations with a
Half-Width of
i1/2 = 20+6-4 deg (1
). We estimate
that there are
CKBOs larger than 100 km in diameter. We
also find compelling evidence for an outer edge to the CKBOs at
heliocentric distance R = 50 AU.
To appear in: The Astronomical Journal (2001 July)
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
We present V and R photometry of 16 Kuiper belt objects from the 3.6m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo and Complejo Astronómico El Leoncito 2.1m telescope. We find a wide dispersion in the (V-R) colors of the objects, indicating nonuniform surface properties. If we assume near constant albedos, there is not appear to be a general trend of redness with size, but the color range for classical KBOs in our sample appears to be wider than for Plutinos. Unless the albedo value is variable for different objects, 1998 SN165becomes the largest Plutino so far identified, apart from Pluto (diameter = 2400 km) and Charon (1200 km).
To appear in: Icarus
For preprints, contact
The region beyond Neptune's orbit is populated with numerous bodies with semimajor axes from 31 to 48 AU. This region, known as Kuiper Belt, should contain primitive bodies, probably among the most primitive objects of the solar system. These bodies could be remnants of the solar system formation. They seem to be dark volatile rich objects showing strong relation to comets: the Kuiper belt is probably the source of most short period comets and Centaurs. The Kuiper belt objects could still contain ices and organic compounds with the same proportion as in the epoch of their formation from the primordial solar nebula. Thermal models of bodies moving on Kuiper belt orbits have been developed with the aim to follow their evolution and differentiation and to better understand the relations between them and the short period comets and Centaurs. In these models we assume that KBOs are porous bodies composed by ices and dust. The solar energy is very low between 30 and 50 AU, and radiogenic heating can become a non-negligible source of energy for the differentiation. The radioactive elements, if they exist in sufficient quantity, may modify the original composition of cometary nuclei. In these models we have assumed that the radiogenic elements stored in the refractory component are 40K, 232Th,235U, 238U in the same proportions as in the meteoritic abundance. In some models we have included also the short lived radionuclide 26Al.
The aim of this work is to see how an undifferentiated Kuiper Belt body can change its internal structure under the combined effect of radiogenic heating and solar irradiation. Moderate heating can permit the sublimation of the most volatile ices toward the surface. The main result is that the Kuiper Belt Objects can be strongly volatile depleted. In the upper layers, several hundred meters below the surface, the most volatile ices (like CO) are completely absent.
Published in: The Astronomical Journal, 121, 2792 (2001 May)
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Evidence for an Extended Scattered Disk
B. Gladman1, M. Holman2, T. Grav3, J. Kavelaars4,
P. Nicholson5, K. Aksnes3, J-M. Petit1
1Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, France
2Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA
3University of Oslo, Norway
4McMaster University, Canada
5Cornell University, USA
Submitted to: Icarus
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
The Role of Chaotic Resonances in the Solar System
N. Murray1 and M. Holman2
1 Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, 60
St. George Street, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H8, Canada
2 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden
Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Published in: Nature, 410, 773 (2001 April 12)
For preprints, contact
Migration of Giant Planets in Planetesimal Discs
A. Del Popolo1, M. Gambera2, and E.N. Ercan3
1 Dipartimento di Matematica, Università Statale di Bergamo,
Piazza Rosate, 2 - I 24129 Bergamo, ITALY
2 Feza Gürsey Institute, P.O. Box 6 Çengelköy, Istanbul,
3 Bo
çi University, Physics Department,
80815 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey
To appear in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Study of the Anomalous Acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11
John D. Anderson1,
Philip A. Laing2,
Eunice L. Lau1,
Anthony S. Liu3,
Michael Martin Nieto4,
Slava G. Turyshev1
1 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
2 The Aerospace Corporation, 2350 E. El Segundo Blvd., El Segundo,
CA 90245-4691, USA
3 Astrodynamic Sciences, 2393 Silver Ridge Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90039, USA
4 Theoretical Division (MS-B285), Los Alamos National Laboratory,
University of California, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
We accept submissions for the following sections:
Distant EKOs is not a refereed publication, but is a tool for furthering communication among people interested in Kuiper belt research. Publication or listing of an article in the Newsletter or the web page does not constitute an endorsement of the article's results or imply validity of its contents. When referencing an article, please reference the original source; Distant EKOs is not a substitute for peer-reviewed journals.