As reported in IAUC 8960, 2008 KV42 is the first TNO discovered with a
retrograde orbit: a=45.99, e=0.56, i=103.50.
more info at:
In IAUC 8962, Sheppard and Trujillo report that 2007 TY430 has a
satellite, with a present separation of 0.6 arcsec, and a magnitude
different less than 0.1 mag.
New Horizons is Twittering updates and news bits; interested parties can
sign up at:
There were 7 new TNO discoveries announced since the previous issue of Distant EKOs:
2007 TV431, 2007 TW431, 2007 TX431, 2007 JF45, 2007 TC434, 2008 NW4, 2008 OG19
and 3 new Centaur/SDO discoveries:
2007 TU431, 2007 DU112, 2007 TB434,
Reclassified objects:
2001 XA255 (SDOCentaur)
Objects recently assigned names:
2001 UQ18 = Altjira
Current number of TNOs: 1084 (including Pluto)
Current number of Centaurs/SDOs: 233
Current number of Neptune Trojans: 6
Out of a total of 1323 objects:
559 have measurements from only one opposition
534 of those have had no measurements for more than a year
283 of those have arcs shorter than 10 days
(for more details, see:
We re-examine the correlation between the colors and the inclinations of
the Classical Kuiper Belt Objects (CKBOs) with an enlarged sample of
optical measurements. The correlation is strong () and highly
significant (
) in the range
Nonetheless, the optical colors are independent of inclination below
, showing no evidence for a break at the reported
boundary between the so-called dynamically ``hot'' and ``cold''
populations near
. The commonly accepted parity
between the dynamically cold CKBOs and the red CKBOs is observationally
unsubstantiated, since the group of red CKBOs extends to higher
inclinations. Our data suggest, however, the existence of a different
color break. We find that the functional form of the color-inclination
relation is most satisfactorily described by a non-linear and stepwise
behavior with a color break at
. Objects with
show bluish colors which are either
weakly correlated with inclination or are simply homogeneously blue,
whereas objects with inclinations
are homogeneously red.
To appear in: The Astronomical Journal
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
We report a multi-week sequence of B-band photometric measurements of
the dwarf planet Eris using the Swift satellite. The use of an
observatory in low-Earth orbit provides better temporal sampling than is
available with a ground-based telescope. We find no compelling evidence
for an unusually slow rotation period of multiple days, as has been
suggested previously. A 1.08 day rotation period is marginally
detected at a modest level of statistical confidence (
Analysis of the combination of the Swift data with the
ground-based B-band measurements of Rabinowitz et al. (2007) returns
the same period (
1.08 day) at a slightly higher statistical
confidence (
To appear in: Icarus
For preprints, contact
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Near-infrared measurements of the occultation of star P445.3 by Pluto on
2007 March 18 reveal that Pluto's upper atmosphere (200-400 km
altitude) is unexpectedly dynamic. At a wavelength of 1.6
numerous vertical fluctuations (8-20 km) of density are detected with
unprecedented signal-to-noise. These fluctuations are achromatic, nearly
limb-aligned, and fully resolved along a
1000 km path over a
pressure range of
bar (0.01 to 0.07 Pa). Vertical
wavelength increases with altitude indicating a high-frequency cutoff
operating on a broad-band spectrum of buoyancy (``gravity'') waves
generated deeper in Pluto’s atmosphere.
To appear in: The Astronomical Journal, v136 (2008 October)
For preprints, contact
We have derived a model of the Kuiper belt luminosity function exhibited
by a broken power-law size distribution. This model allows direct
comparison of the observed luminosity function to the underlying size
distribution. We discuss the importance of the radial distribution model
in determining the break diameter. We determine a best-fit
break-diameter of the Kuiper belt size-distribution of 30<Db<90 km
via a maximum-likelihood fit of our model to the observed luminosity
function. We also confirm that the observed luminosity function for
is consistent with a broken power-law size distribution,
and exhibits a break at
To appear in: Icarus
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
We have acquired near-infrared spectra of Kuiper belt objects 2003 UZ117, 2005 CB79 and 2004 SB60 with NIRC on the Keck I Telescope. These objects are dynamically close to the core of the 2003 EL61 collisional family and were suggested to be potential fragments of this collision by Ragozzine and Brown (2007). We find that the spectra of 2003 UZ117 and 2005 CB79 both show the characteristic strong water ice absorption features seen exclusively on 2003 EL61, its largest satellite, and the six other known collisional fragments. In contrast, we find that the near infrared spectrum of 2004 SB60 is essentially featureless with a fraction of water ice of less than 5%. We discuss the implications of the discovery of these additional family members for understanding the formation and evolution of this collisional family in the outer solar system.
To appear in: The Astrophysical Journal, 684, L107 (2008 September 10)
For preprints, contact
The recent discovery of the 2003 EL61 collisional family in the Kuiper belt (Brown et al. 2007) is surprising because the formation of such a family is a highly improbable event in today's belt. Assuming Brown et al.'s estimate of the size of the progenitors, we find that the probability that a Kuiper belt object was involved in such a collision since primordial times is less than roughly 0.001. In addition, it is not possible for the collision to have occurred in a massive primordial Kuiper belt because the dynamical coherence of the family would not have survived whatever event produced the currently observed orbital excitation. Here we suggest that the family is the result of a collision between two scattered disk objects. We show that the probability that a collision occurred between two such objects with sizes similar to those advocated in Brown et al. (2007) and that the center of mass of the resulting family is on an orbit typical of the Kuiper belt can be as large as 47%. Given the large uncertainties involved in this estimate, this result is consistent with the existence of one such family. If true, this result has implications far beyond the origin of a single collisional family, because it shows that collisions played an important role in shaping the dynamical structure of the small body populations that we see today.
To appear in: The Astronomical Journal
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
In this paper, we analyze the collisional and dynamical evolution of the population of Plutinos. To do this, we test different collisional parameters and include a dynamical treatment that takes into account the stability and instability zones of the 3:2 mean motion resonance with Neptune. This procedure allows us to estimate the size distribution of Plutinos, to study their mean collisional lifetimes, to analyze the formation of families, to obtain ejection rates of fragments from the resonance and to discuss their possible contribution to the ecliptic comet population. Our simulations are developed assuming the existence of one Pluto-sized object in the 3:2 Neptune resonance.
The Plutino population larger than a few kilometers in diameter is not
significantly altered by catastrophic collisions over the age of the
Solar System. Thus, we infer that the break suggested by previous works
at a diameter D near 40-80 km in the Plutino cumulative size
distribution should be primordial and not a result of the collisional
evolution. The existence of such a break is still a matter of debate. On
the other hand, our analysis indicates that one large family was formed
in the 3:2 Neptune resonance over the Solar System history. Concerning
Plutino removal, we find that one object with a diameter D > 1 km is
ejected from the 3:2 resonance with Neptune every 300-1200 yr.
Then, we study the sensitivity of our results to the number of
Pluto-sized objects in the 3:2 Neptune resonance. Our simulations
suggest that the larger the number of Pluto-sized bodies, the higher the
ejection rate of fragments from that resonant region and the number of
families formed over 4.5 Gyr. Thus, if a maximum of five Pluto-sized
objects are assumed to be in the 3:2 Neptune resonance, one body with a
diameter D > 1 km is ejected every tens of years while
30 large
families are formed over the Solar System history. From these estimates,
we conclude that it is necessary to specify the number of Pluto-sized
objects present in the 3:2 Neptune resonance to determine if this region
can be considered an important source of ecliptic comets. Finally, we
find that the current orbital distribution of the Plutinos does not
offer a strong constraint on the dynamical origin of this population.
To appear in: Astronomy & Astrophysics
For preprints, contact
We present a new 1-dimensional thermal evolution code suited for small icy bodies of the Solar System, based on modern adaptive grid numerical techniques, and suited for multiphase flow through a porous medium. The code is used for evolutionary calculations spanning 4.6 x 109 yr of a growing body made of ice and rock, starting with a 10 km radius seed and ending with an object 250 km in radius. Initial conditions are chosen to match two different classes of objects: a Kuiper belt object, and Saturn's moon Enceladus. Heating by the decay of 26Al, as well as long-lived radionuclides is taken into account. Several values of the thermal conductivity and accretion laws are tested. We find that in all cases the melting point of ice is reached in a central core. Evaporation and flow of water and vapor gradually remove the water from the core and the final (present) structure is differentiated, with a rocky, highly porous core of 80 km radius (and up to 160 km for very low conductivities). Outside the core, due to refreezing of water and vapor, a compact, ice-rich layer forms, a few tens of km thick (except in the case of very high conductivity). If the ice is initially amorphous, as expected in the Kuiper belt, the amorphous ice is preserved in an outer layer about 20 km thick. We conclude by suggesting various ways in which the code may be extended.
Published in: Icarus, 197, 211 (2008 September)
We have obtained a Gemini South T-ReCS Qa-band (18.3 m) image
and a Spitzer MIPS SED-mode observation of HD181327, an F5/F6V
member of the
12 Myr old
Pictoris moving group. We resolve
the disk in thermal-emission for the first time and find that the
northern arm of the disk is 1.4 times brighter than the southern arm. In
addition, we detect a broad peak in the combined Spitzer IRS and
MIPS spectra at 60-75
m that may be produced by emission from
crystalline water ice. We model the IRS and MIPS data using a size
distribution of amorphous olivine and water ice grains (
with amin consistent with the minimum blow out size and
m) located at a distance of 86.3 AU from the central
star, as observed in previously published scattered-light images. Since
the photo-desorption lifetime for the icy particles is
1400 yr,
significantly less than the estimated
12 Myr age of the system, we
hypothesize that we have detected debris that may be steadily
replenished by collisions among icy Kuiper belt object-like parent
bodies in a newly forming planetary system.
To appear in: The Astrophysical Journal
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Chaotic Diffusion of Resonant Kuiper Belt Objects
Matthew S. Tiscareno1 and Renu Malhotra2
1 Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
2 Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson,
AZ 85721, USA
Submitted to:
For preprints, contact
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Researchers debate planet definitions agreeing the current IAU
definition is flawed, but reaching no consensus beyond that.
Two years ago the International Astronomical Union (IAU) elected to define the term planet, restricting it to the eight largest bodies orbiting the Sun, and deleting Pluto from the list. The demotion of Pluto sparked considerable public controversy. Numerous planetary scientists and astronomers rejected the IAU’s definition as not useful.
Recognizing the need for further scientific debate on planet definition,
almost 100 scientists and educators representing a wide range of
viewpoints on the issue converged for three days on the Applied Physics
Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University for ``The Great Planet Debate:
Science as Process'' conference (
) last
There was general agreement that the IAU definition for planet is flawed, but there was no consensus on whether it should be abandoned, refined, or replaced. Different positions were advocated, ranging from reworking the IAU definition (but yielding the same outcome of eight or even less planets), replacing it with a geophysically-based definition (that would increase the number of planets well beyond eight), and rescinding the definition for planet altogether (leaving that up to popular usage) and instead focusing on defining various kinds of subcategories that serve different purposes.
We discuss the current knowledge of the Solar system, focusing on bodies in the outer regions, on the information they provide concerning Solar system formation, and on the possible relationships that may exist between our system and the debris disks of other stars. Beyond the domains of the Terrestrial and giant planets, the comets in the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud preserve some of our most pristine materials. The Kuiper belt, in particular, is a collisional dust source and a scientific bridge to the dusty debris disks observed around many nearby main-sequence stars. Study of the Solar system provides a level of detail that we cannot discern in the distant disks while observations of the disks may help to set the Solar system in proper context.
to appear in: Astrophysics in the Next Decade, edited by H. Thronson, M. Stiavelli and A. Tielens; Springer Verlag (2009)
Preprints available or on the web at
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Distant EKOs is not a refereed publication, but is a tool for furthering communication among people interested in Kuiper belt research. Publication or listing of an article in the Newsletter or the web page does not constitute an endorsement of the article's results or imply validity of its contents. When referencing an article, please reference the original source; Distant EKOs is not a substitute for peer-reviewed journals.