There were 20 new TNO discoveries announced since the March issue of Distant EKOs (the list wasn't updated in the June issue):
2005 NU125, 2005 NV125, 2006 TO130, 2006 TP130, 2009 MF10, 2009 MG10, 2010 EL139, 2010 EP65, 2010 FC49, 2010 FX86, 2010 HD112, 2010 HE79, 2010 HG109, 2010 JK124, 2010 LK109, 2010 LP68, 2010 LQ68, 2010 PU75, 2010 PK66, 2010 PT66
27 new Centaur/SDO discoveries:
2009 ME10, 2010 EN65, 2010 EO65, 2010 ES65, 2010 EU65, 2010 FB49, 2010 FH92, 2010 GX34, 2010 HM23, 2010 JB80, 2010 KR59, 2010 LJ109, 2010 LN68, 2010 LO33, 2010 EK139, 2010 EQ65, 2010 ER65, 2010 ET65, 2010 FD49, 2010 FE49, 2010 GF65, 2010 GW147, 2010 JC80, 2010 JJ124, 2010 KZ39, 2010 NV1, 2010 PL66
and 1 Neptune Trojan discovery:
2008 LC18
Reclassified objects:
2009 YE7 (TNOSDO)
Objects recently assigned numbers:
2007 DU112 = (241097)
2006 SX368 = (248835)
Current number of TNOs: 1149 (including Pluto)
Current number of Centaurs/SDOs: 284
Current number of Neptune Trojans: 7
Out of a total of 1440 objects:
625 have measurements from only one opposition
582 of those have had no measurements for more than a year
325 of those have arcs shorter than 10 days
(for more details, see:
A large fraction of 100-km-class low-inclination objects in the
classical Kuiper Belt (KB) are binaries with comparable mass and wide
separation of components. A favored model for their formation was
capture during the coagulation growth of bodies in the early KB.
Instead, recent studies suggested that large,
100-km objects can
rapidly form in the protoplanetary disks when swarms of locally
concentrated solids collapse under their own gravity. Here we examine
the possibility that KB binaries formed during gravitational collapse
when the excess of angular momentum prevented the agglomeration of
available mass into a solitary object. We find that this new mechanism
provides a robust path toward the formation of KB binaries with observed
properties, and can explain wide systems such as 2001 QW322 and
multiples such as (47171) 1999 TC36. Notably, the gravitational
collapse is capable of producing
100% binary fraction for a wide
range of the swarm's initial angular momentum values. The binary
components have similar masses (
80% have the
secondary-over-primary radius ratio >0.7) and their separation ranges
1,000 to
100,000 km. The binary orbits have
eccentricities from e=0 to
1, with the majority having e<0.6.
The binary orbit inclinations with respect to the initial angular
momentum of the swarm range from i=0 to
, with most
cases having
. The total binary mass represents a
characteristic fraction of the collapsing swarm's total initial mass,
, suggesting
equivalent to that of a radius
100 to 250-km compact object. Our binary formation mechanism also
implies that the primary and secondary components in each binary pair
should have identical bulk composition, which is consistent with the
current photometric data. We discuss the applicability of our results to
the Pluto-Charon, Orcus-Vanth, (617) Patroclus-Menoetius and
(90) Antiope binary systems.
Published in: The Astronomical Journal, 140, 785 (2010 September)
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We report here the discovery of a new near-equal-mass trans-Neptunian
Binary (TNB) L5c02 and the the putative detection of a second TNB
(L4k12) among the detections in the second and third years of the
Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey (CFEPS). These new binaries
(internal designations L4k12 and L5c02) have moderate separations of
0.4" and 0.6", respectively. The follow-up observation confirmed the
binarity of L5c02, but L4k12 still lacks follow-up observations. L4k12
has a heliocentric orbital inclination of 35, marking this
system as having the highest heliocentric orbital inclination among
known near-equal-mass binaries. Both systems are members of the
classical main Kuiper belt population. Based on the sample of objects
searched, we determine that the fraction of near-equal-mass wide
binaries with separations >0.4" is 1.5% to 20% in the cold main
classical Kuiper belt, and if our detection of the binarity L4k12 holds,
3% to 43% in the hot main classical objects are binary. In this
article we describe our detection process, the sample of objects
surveyed, and our confirmation observations.
To appear in: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (2010 September)
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We present numerical computations of the equilibrium configurations
of tidally-locked homogeneous binaries, rotating in circular orbits.
Unlike the classical Roche approximations, we self-consistently account for
the tidal and rotational deformations of both components, and relax the
assumptions of ellipsoidal configurations and Keplerian rotation.
We find numerical solutions for mass ratios q between 10-3 and 1,
starting at a small angular velocity for which tidal and rotational
deformations are small, and following a sequence of increasing angular
Each series terminates at an appropriate ``Roche limit'', above which no
equilibrium solution can be found. Even though the Roche limit is crossed
before the ``Roche lobe'' is filled, any further increase in the angular
velocity will result in mass-loss.
For close, comparable-mass binaries, we find that local deviations from
ellipsoidal forms may be as large as , and departures from
Keplerian rotation are significant.
We compute the light curves that arise from our equilibrium configurations,
assuming their distance is
AU (e.g. in the Kuiper Belt).
We consider both backscatter (proportional to the projected area) and diffuse
(Lambert) reflections. Backscatter reflection always yields two minima of
equal depths. Diffuse reflection, which is sensitive to the surface
curvature, generally gives rise to unequal minima. We find detectable
intensity differences of up to
between our light curves and those
arising from the Roche approximations. Finally, we apply our models to Kuiper
Belt binary 2001 QG298, and find a nearly edge-on binary with a mass ratio
q=0.93+0.07-0.03, angular velocity
(statistical errors only), and pure diffuse reflection. For the observed
period of 2001 QG298, these parameters imply a bulk density,
g cm-3.
To appear in: The Astrophysical Journal
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The dynamical stability of a bound triple system composed of a small binary or minor planetary system moving on a orbit inclined to a central third body is discussed in terms of Hill stability for the full three-body problem. The situation arises in the determination of stability of triple star systems against disruption and component exchange and the determination of stability of extrasolar planetary systems and minor planetary systems against disruption, component exchange or capture. The Hill stability criterion is applied to triple star systems and extrasolar planetary systems, the Sun-Earth-Moon system and Kuiper Belt binary systems to determine the critical distances for stable orbits. It is found that increasing the inclination of the third body decreases the Hill regions of stability. Increasing the eccentricity of the binary also produces similar effects. These type of changes make exchange or disruption of the component masses more likely. Increasing the eccentricity of the binary orbit relative to the third body substantially decreases stability regions as the eccentricity reaches higher values. The Kuiper Belt binaries were found to be stable if they move on circular orbits. Taking into account the eccentricity, it is less clear that all the systems are stable.
Published in: Planetary and Space Science, 58, 1169 (2010 August)
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Two new companions to the Pluto-Charon binary system have been detected in 2005 by Weaver et al. (2006). These small satellites, named Nix and Hydra, are located beyond Charon's orbit. Although they are small when compared to Charon, their gravitational perturbations can decrease the stability of the external region (beyond Charon's orbit). The dynamical structure of this external region is analysed by numerically simulating a sample of particles under the gravitational effects of Pluto, Charon, Nix and Hydra. As expected the effects of Nix and Hydra decrease the external stable region. Agglomerates of particles can survive after 105 orbital periods of the binary in some regions, such as coorbital to Nix and Hydra and between their orbits. We also analysed the effects of hypothetical satellites on the orbital evolution of Nix and Hydra in order to constrain an upper limit size. Some hypothetical satellites can be coorbital to Nix or Hydra without provoking any significant gravitational effects on them.
To appear in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
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We study the impactor flux and cratering on Pluto and Charon due to the
collisional evolution of Plutinos. Plutinos are those trans-Neptunian
objects located at 39.5 AU, in the 3:2 mean motion resonance with
Neptune. To do this, we develop a statistical code that includes
catastrophic collisions and cratering events, and takes into account the
stability and instability zones of the 3:2 mean motion resonance with
Neptune. Moreover, our numerical algorithm proposes different initial
populations that account for the uncertainty in the size distribution of
Plutinos at small sizes. Depending on the initial population, our
results indicate the following. The number of D > 1 km Plutinos
streaking Pluto over 3.5 Gyr is between 1271 and 5552. For Charon,
the number of D > 1 km Plutino impactors is between 354 and 1545.
The number of D > 1 km craters on Pluto produced by Plutinos during
the last 3.5 Gyr is between 43076 and 113879. For Charon, the number
of D > 1 km craters is between 20351 and 50688. On the other hand,
the largest Plutino impactor onto Pluto has a diameter between
and 23 km, which produces a crater with a diameter of
31-39 km.
In the same way, the largest Plutino impactor onto Charon has a diameter
10 and 15 km, which produces a crater with a diameter of
24-33 km. Finally, we test the dependence of results on the
number of Pluto-sized objects in the Plutino population. If 2
Pluto-sized objects are assumed in the 3:2 Neptune resonance, the total
number of Plutino impactors both onto Pluto as Charon with diameters D
> 1 km is a factor of
1.6-1.8 larger than that obtained
considering only 1 Pluto-sized object in this resonant region. Given the
structure of the trans-Neptunian region, with its dynamically different
populations, it is necessary to study in detail the contribution of all
the potential sources of impactors on the Pluto-Charon system, to obtain
the main contributor and the whole production of craters. Then, we will
be able to contrast those studies with observations which will help us
to understand the geological processes and history of the surface of
those worlds.
To appear in: Astronomy & Astrophysics
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We present 1428 individual astrometric measurements of 256
Transneptunian objects made with HST. The observations were collected
over three years with two instruments, the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2
and the Advanced Camera for Surveys High Resolution Camera, as part of
four HST programs. We briefly describe the data and our analysis
procedures. The submission of these measurements to the Minor Planet
Center increased the individual arc length of objects by 1.83 days to
8.11 years. Of the 256 total objects, 62 (24.2%) had arc length
increases 3 years. The arc length for 60 objects (23.4%) was
increased by a factor of two or greater.
To appear in: Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 189, 336 (2010 August)
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We introduce a novel search technique that can identify
trans-neptunian objects in three to five exposures of a pointing
within a single Hubble Space Telescope orbit. The process is fast
enough to allow the discovery of candidates soon after the data are
available. This allows sufficient time to schedule follow up
observations with HST within a month. We report the discovery of 14
slow-moving objects found within 5o of the ecliptic in archival
data taken with the Wide Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for
Surveys. The luminosity function of these objects is consistent with
previous ground-based and space-based results. We show evidence that
the size distribution of both high and low inclination populations is
similar for objects smaller than 100 km, as expected from collisional
evolution models, while their size distribution differ for brighter
objects. We suggest the two populations formed in different parts of
the protoplanetary disk and after being dynamically mixed have
collisionally evolved together. Among the objects discovered there is
an equal mass binary with an angular separation 0.53".
To appear in: The Astrophysical Journal
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The orbits of small Solar System bodies record the history of our Solar System. Here we report the detection of 2008 LC18, which is the first known Neptune Trojan in the trailing (L5) Lagrangian region of gravitational equilibrium within Neptune's orbit. We estimate that the leading and trailing Neptune Trojan regions have similar sized populations and dynamics with both regions dominated by high inclination objects. Similar populations and dynamics at both Neptune Lagrangian regions indicate the Trojans were likely captured by a migrating, eccentric Neptune in a dynamically excited planetesimal population.
Published in: Science
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One of the key considerations when assessing the potential habitability
of telluric worlds will be that of the impact regime experienced by the
planet. In this work, we present a short review of our understanding of
the impact regime experienced by the terrestrial planets within our own
Solar system, describing the three populations of potentially hazardous
objects which move on orbits that take them through the inner Solar
system. Of these populations, the origins of two (the Near-Earth
Asteroids and the Long-Period Comets) are well understood, with members
originating in the Asteroid belt and Oort cloud, respectively. By
contrast, the source of the third population, the Short-Period Comets,
is still under debate. The proximate source of these objects is the
Centaurs, a population of dynamically unstable objects that pass
perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) between the orbits of Jupiter
and Neptune. However, a variety of different origins have been suggested
for the Centaur population. Here, we present evidence that at least a
significant fraction of the Centaur population can be sourced from the
planetary Trojan clouds, stable reservoirs of objects moving in 1:1
mean-motion resonance with the giant planets (primarily Jupiter and
Neptune). Focussing on simulations of the Neptunian Trojan population,
we show that an ongoing flux of objects should be leaving that region to
move on orbits within the Centaur population. With conservative
estimates of the flux from the Neptunian Trojan clouds, we show that
their contribution to that population could be of order 3%, while
more realistic estimates suggest that the Neptune Trojans could even be
the main source of fresh Centaurs. We suggest that further observational
work is needed to constrain the contribution made by the Neptune Trojans
to the ongoing flux of material to the inner Solar system, and believe
that future studies of the habitability of exoplanetary systems should
take care not to neglect the contribution of resonant objects (such as
planetary Trojans) to the impact flux that could be experienced by
potentially habitable worlds.
To appear in: International Journal of Astrobiology
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We have performed an ecliptic survey of the Kuiper belt, with an areal
coverage of 8.9 square degrees to a 50% limiting magnitude of
, and have detected 88 Kuiper belt objects, roughly
half of which received follow-up one to two months after detection.
Using this survey data alone, we have measured the luminosity function
of the Kuiper belt, thus avoiding any biases that might come from the
inclusion of other observations. We have found that the Cold population
defined as having inclinations less than
has a luminosity function
, and is different from the Hot
population, which has inclinations greater than
and a luminosity
function slope
. As well, we have found that
those objects closer than 38 AU have virtually the same luminosity
function slope as the Hot population. This result, along with similar
findings of past surveys demonstrates that the dynamically cold Kuiper
belt objects likely have a steep size distribution, and are unique from
all of the excited populations which have much shallower distributions.
This suggests that the dynamically excited population underwent a
different accretion history and achieved a more evolved state of
accretion than the Cold population. As well, we discuss the similarities
of the Cold and Hot populations with the size distributions of other
planetesimal populations. We find that while the Jupiter family comets
and the scattered disk exhibit similar size distributions, a power-law
extrapolation to small sizes for the scattered disk cannot account for
the observed influx of comets. As well, we have found that the Jupiter
Trojan and Hot populations cannot have originated from the same parent
population, a result that is difficult to reconcile with scattering
models similar to the NICE model. We conclude that the similarity
between the size distributions of the Cold population and the Jupiter
Trojan population is a striking coincidence.
To appear in: Icarus
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We modeled the 3-D structure of the Kuiper Belt dust cloud at four
different dust production rates, incorporating both planet-dust
interactions and grain-grain collisions using the collisional grooming
algorithm. Simulated images of a model with a face-on optical depth of
primarily show an azimuthally-symmetric ring at 40-47 AU
in submillimeter and infrared wavelengths; this ring is associated with
the cold classical Kuiper Belt. For models with lower optical depths
(10-6 and 10-7), synthetic infrared images show that the ring
widens and a gap opens in the ring at the location of of Neptune; this
feature is caused by trapping of dust grains in Neptune's mean motion
resonances. At low optical depths, a secondary ring also appears
associated with the hole cleared in the center of the disk by Saturn.
Our simulations, which incorporate 25 different grain sizes, illustrate
that grain-grain collisions are important in sculpting today's Kuiper
Belt dust, and probably other aspects of the Solar System dust complex;
collisions erase all signs of azimuthal asymmetry from the submillimeter
image of the disk at every dust level we considered. The model images
switch from being dominated by resonantly-trapped small grains
(``transport dominated'') to being dominated by the birth ring
(``collision dominated'') when the optical depth reaches a critical value
, where v is the local Keplerian speed.
To appear in: The Astronomical Journal
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We present the results of a wide-field survey using the 1.2-m Samuel
Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory. This survey was designed to
find the most distant members of the Kuiper belt and beyond. We searched
12,000 deg2 down to a mean limiting magnitude of 21.3 in R. A
total number of 52 KBOs and Centaurs have been detected, 25 of which
were discovered in this survey. Except for the re-detection of Sedna, no
additional Sedna-like bodies with perihelia greater than 45 AU were
detected despite sensitivity out to distances of 1000 AU. We discuss the
implications for a distant Sedna-like population beyond the Kuiper belt,
focusing on the constraints we can place on the embedded stellar cluster
environment the early Sun may be have been born in, where the location
and distribution of Sedna-like orbits sculpted by multiple stellar
encounters is indicative of the birth cluster size. We also report our
observed latitude distribution and implications for the size of the
plutino population.
To appear in: The Astrophysical Journal
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With the recent discoveries of planetary objects beyond Neptune and Pluto, the vast majority of all sizeable Solar System planetary objects lie now beyond Uranus, where insertion into orbit after a reasonably short travel is still not within the current capabilities of today's spacecraft. Being able to go and stop at a transneptunian dwarf planet would represent a stepstone for ambitious long-term exploration goals. The pressure to send spacecraft to these bodies will grow, as, among the tens or hundreds of large objects, some will emerge as high priorities for science and exploration missions. It is subsequently necessary to prepare the technologies required for such spacecraft. In addition, being able to achieve a fast journey to a distant object will benefit also missions to closer targets. Thales Alenia Space has carried out a preliminary parameter exploration of such a mission with a challenging target: an orbiter in the Haumean system. The main parameters are the characteristics of the propulsion and power subsystems, as well as the mass of the spacecraft. The exploration has quantified the technological improvement needed for reaching these objects within a reasonable time.
Published in: Acta Astronautica
Digital co-addition of astronomical images is a common technique for increasing signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and image depth. A modification of this simple technique has been applied to the detection of minor bodies in the solar system: first stationary objects are removed through the subtraction of a high-S/N template image, then the sky motion of the solar system bodies of interest is predicted and compensated for by shifting pixels in software prior to the co-addition step. This ``shift-and-stack'' approach has been applied with great success in directed surveys for minor solar system bodies. In these surveys, the shifts have been parameterized in a variety of ways. However, these parameterizations have not been optimized and in most cases cannot be effectively applied to data sets with long observation arcs due to objects' real trajectories diverging from linear tracks on the sky. This paper presents two novel probabilistic approaches for determining a near-optimum set of shift vectors to apply to any image set given a desired region of orbital space to search. The first method is designed for short observational arcs, and the second for observational arcs long enough to require nonlinear shift vectors. Using these techniques and other optimizations, we derive optimized grids for previous surveys that have used ``shift-and-stack'' approaches to illustrate the improvements that can be made with our method, and at the same time derive new limits on the range of orbital parameters these surveys searched. We conclude with a simulation of a future application for this approach with LSST, and show that combining multiple nights of data from such next-generation facilities is within the realm of computational feasibility.
Published in: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 122, 549 (2010 May)
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Two populations of minor bodies in the outer Solar System remain
particularly elusive: Scattered Disk objects and Sedna-like objects.
These populations are important dynamical tracers, and understanding the
details of their spatial- and size-distributions will enhance our
understanding of the formation and on-going evolution of the Solar
System. By using newly-derived limits on the maximum heliocentric
distances that recent pencil-beam surveys for Trans-Neptunian Objects
were sensitive to, we determine new upper limits on the total numbers of
distant SDOs and Sedna-like objects. While generally consistent with
populations estimated from wide-area surveys, we show that for
magnitude-distribution slopes of 0.7-1.0, these pencil-beam
surveys provide stronger upper limits than current estimates in
To appear in: Icarus
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Only in the last two decades have astronomers been able to explore the fascinating realm beyond the outermost giant planet Neptune. Thousands of bodies are now known to be orbiting there. We asked the co-discoverer of the first of these trans-Neptunian worlds to tell us how he came to make the pioneering discovery that opened the outer reaches of our solar system to our view.
Published in: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 48, 1 (2010 May)
Preprints, on the web at
Dynamics of Neptune's Trojans: II. Eccentric Orbits and Observed Ones
L.-Y. Zhou1, R. Dvorak2, and Y.-S. Sun1
1 Department of Astronomy & Key Laboratory of Modern Astronomy and
Astrophysics in Ministry of Education,
Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
2 Institute for Astronomy, University of Vienna, Türkenschanzstr. 17, A-1180 Wien, Austria
Submitted to: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Estimating the Density of Intermediate Size KBOs from Considerations of Volatile Retention
Amit Levi1 and Morris Podolak1
1 Dept. of Geophysics & Planetary Sci., Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv Univ., Israel
Submitted to: Icarus
Preprints on the web at
The Potato Radius: a Lower Minimum Size for Dwarf Planets
Charles H. Lineweaver1 and Marc Norman1
1 Planetary Science Institute of the Research School of Earth Sciences and the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
To appear in: Proceedings of the 9th Australian Space Science Conference
Preprints on the web at
Small bodies hold keys to our understanding of the Solar System. By studying these populations we seek the information on the conditions and structure of the primordial and current Solar System, its evolution, and the formation process of the planets. Constraining the surface composition of small bodies provides us with the ingredients and proportions for this cosmic recipe. This thesis, comprised of studies of inner and outer Solar System small bodies, is dedicated to understanding the compositional gradient across the Solar System through spectroscopic and photometric measurements.
I present a taxonomy of visible and near-infrared spectral data based on 371 asteroid spectra, and discuss the difficulties of interpreting spectra without the entire wavelength range. I analyze the photometric colors of 23 Transneptunian Objects and Centaurs, nine of which have never been previously observed. I discuss objects that either have changed taxonomic classes from previous data or have significant changes in absolute magnitude. Furthermore, I interpret the surface composition of three outer Solar System small bodies, Jupiter-coupled object (52872) Okyrhoe, and TNOs (90482) Orcus and (73480) 2002 PN34, by modeling spectroscopic measurements in the visible and near-infrared wavelength ranges. The spectra reveal varying amounts of H2O ice among these bodies. For Orcus I provide rough constraints for the presence of materials more volatile than water ice. I present a search for solid ethane, C2H6, on the surfaces of Pluto and Triton, based on near-infrared spectral observations. I model each surface using a radiative transfer model based on Hapke theory (Hapke, 1993) with three basic models: without ethane, with pure ethane, and with ethane diluted in nitrogen. While the presence of less than a few percent of ethane cannot be excluded on both bodies, there is no strong detection on either.
Finally, I review the current knowledge of the compositional distribution of material in our Solar System, providing the global view of small bodies. I particularly focus on the presence of water in all its phases which is especially pertinent our understanding of our own planet, Earth, and the life on it. I briefly compare the general structure of our Solar System to other imaged debris disks to put into perspective the detailed, though narrow, view of our own Solar System with the broad, low resolution view of others.
Dissertation directed by M.A. Barucci and R.P. Binzel
Ph.D. awarded June 2010 from the Paris Observatory
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