ACS Astrochemistry Subdivision Opens Up Affiliate Status for AAS and DPS Members
The recently established Astrochemistry Subdivision of
the Division of Physical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society
(ACS) invites members of the American Astronomical Society and of the
Division of Planetary Sciences to join the ACS Astrochemistry
Subdivision as an Affiliate Member. Please complete a division
application form:
and email ( or fax (614-447-3671) it
to ACS Member Services. Note that the PHYS annual membership dues are
$15, which should be remitted with the form. Please indicate that you
would like to join the Astrochemistry Subdivision.
The Subdivision of Astrochemistry provides an interdisciplinary ``home'' for individuals interested in astrochemically related research via experiments, theory, observations, space missions, and modeling. Astrochemistry is the study of the abundances and chemical reactions of atoms, molecules, and ions and how they interact with radiation in the gas phase and in the condensed phase in Solar Systems and in the Interstellar Medium (ISM) leading to the formation and breaking of chemical bonds. Astrochemistry presents both an interdisciplinary and a multidisciplinary field with ties to the traditional disciplines chemistry, planetary science, chemical biology, physics, and astronomy. Here, chemistry, defined as the change of matter is vital in unraveling the chemical and astrobiological evolution of matter on the microscopic (elementary chemical reactions) and also on the macroscopic level (planets, moons, interstellar medium). Since the present composition of each macroscopic environment reflects the matter from which it was formed and the chemical processes which have changed the chemical nature since the origin, a detailed investigation of the processes altering the chemical composition of the pristine environment is critical to rationalize its contemporary makeup and to understand its origin and chemistry. Astrochemistry exploits molecular tracers to rationalize the origin and chemical evolution of the Interstellar Medium and of Solar Systems by combining laboratory studies (chemical dynamics and kinetics, spectroscopy), theoretical chemistry, astrochemical modeling, astronomical observations, and space missions. This work requires a concerted inter-disciplinary relationship between chemists, physicists, astronomers, chemical biologists, and planetary scientists.
We would also like to thank those of you who supported the establishment of the Astrochemistry Subdivision! We hope that this creates a thriving Astrochemistry Subdivision that is able to serve the community.
Best regards,
Ralf Kaiser (Chair), Arthur Suits (Chair-Elect), Martin Head-Gordon
There were 4 new Centaur/SDO discoveries announced since the previous issue of Distant EKOs:
2010 GB174, 2013 AX158, 2013 JX14, 2013 LU28
Current number of TNOs: 1260 (including Pluto)
Current number of Centaurs/SDOs: 377
Current number of Neptune Trojans: 9
Out of a total of 1646 objects:
651 have measurements from only one opposition
634 of those have had no measurements for more than a year
325 of those have arcs shorter than 10 days
Because of their relative proximity within the transneptunian region,
the plutinos (objects in the 3:2 mean-motion resonance with Neptune) are
numerous in flux-limited catalogs, and well-studied theoretically.
We perform detailed modelling of the on-sky detection biases for plutinos,
with special attention to those that are simultaneously in the Kozai resonance.
In addition to the normal 3:2 resonant argument libration,
Kozai plutinos also show periodic oscillations in eccentricity and inclination,
coupled to the argument of perihelion () oscillation.
Due to the mean-motion resonance, plutinos avoid coming to pericenter near
Neptune's current position in the ecliptic plane.
Because Kozai plutinos are restricted to certain values of
perihelion always occurs out of the ecliptic plane, biasing
ecliptic surveys against finding these objects.
The observed Kozai plutino fraction
has been measured
by several surveys, finding
values between 8% and 25%, while the true Kozai plutino fraction
has been predicted
to be between 10% and 30% by different giant planet migration simulations.
We show that
varies widely depending on the
ecliptic latitude and longitude of the survey, so debiasing to find the
true ratio is complex.
Even a survey that covers most or all of the sky will detect an apparent Kozai
fraction that is different from
We present a map of the on-sky plutino Kozai fraction that would be detected by
all-sky flux-limited surveys.
This will be especially important for the
Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS)
and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) projects, which
may detect large numbers of plutinos as they sweep the sky.
and the distribution of the orbital elements of Kozai plutinos may be
a diagnostic of giant planet migration; future migration simulations
should provide details on their resonant Kozai populations.
Published in: The Astronomical Journal, 146, 6 (2013 July)
Preprints available on the web at
The Kuiper Belt is a remnant from the early solar system and its size
distribution contains many important constraints that can be used to
test models of planet formation and collisional evolution. We show, by
comparing observations with theoretical models, that the observed Kuiper
Belt size distribution is well matched by coagulation models, which
start from an initial planetesimal population with radii of about 1 km,
and subsequent collisional evolution. We find that the observed size
distribution above km is primordial, i.e., it has not been
modified by collisional evolution over the age of the solar system, and
that the size distribution below
km has been modified by
collisions and that its slope is well matched by collisional evolution
models that use published strength laws. We investigate in detail the
resulting size distribution of bodies ranging from 0.01 km to 30 km and
find that its slope changes several times as a function of radius before
approaching the expected value for an equilibrium collisional cascade of
material strength dominated bodies for
km. Compared to
a single power law size distribution that would span the whole range
from 0.01 km to 30 km, we find in general a strong deficit of bodies
km and a strong excess of bodies around 2 km in
radius. This deficit and excess of bodies are caused by the planetesimal
size distribution left over from the runaway growth phase, which left
most of the initial mass in small planetesimals, while only a small
fraction of the total mass is converted into large protoplanets. This
excess mass in small planetesimals leaves a permanent signature in the
size distribution of small bodies that is not erased after 4.5 Gyrs of
collisional evolution. Observations of the small KBO size distribution
can therefore test if large KBOs grew as a result of runaway growth and
constrain the initial planetesimal sizes. We find that results from
recent KBO occultation surveys and the observed KBO size distribution
can be best matched by an initial planetesimal population that contained
about equal mass per logarithmic mass bin in bodies ranging from 0.4 km
to 4 km in radius. We further find that we cannot match the observed KBO
size distribution if most of the planetesimal mass was contained in
bodies that were 10 km in radius or larger, simply because their
resulting size distribution cannot be sufficiently depleted over 4.5
Gyrs to match observations.
To appear in: The Astronomical Journal
For preprints, contact
The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) observed 52 Centaurs and
Scattered Disk Objects in the thermal infrared, including the 15
discoveries that were new. We present analyses of these observations to
estimate sizes and mean optical albedos. We find mean albedos of
0.080.04 for the entire data set. Thermal fits yield average
beaming parameters of 0.9
0.2 that are similar for both SDO and
Centaur sub-classes. Biased cumulative size distributions yield
size-frequency distribution power law indices
0.3. The
data also reveal a relation between albedo and color at the 3-
level. No significant relation between diameter and albedos is found.
To appear in: The Astrophysical Journal
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Here we present new adaptive optics observations of the Quaoar-Weywot
system. With these new observations we determine an improved system
orbit. Due to a 0.39 day alias that exists in available observations,
four possible orbital solutions are available with periods of
12.4, and
12.8 days. From the
possible orbital solutions, system masses of
kg are found. These observations provide an
updated density for Quaoar of 2.7-5.0 g cm-3. In all
cases, Weywot's orbit is eccentric, with possible values
0.13-0.16. We present a reanalysis of the tidal orbital evolution
of the Quoaor-Weywot system. We have found that Weywot has probably
evolved to a state of synchronous rotation, and have likely preserved
their initial inclinations over the age of the Solar system. We find
that for plausible values of the effective tidal dissipation factor
tides produce a very slow evolution of Weywot's eccentricity and
semi-major axis. Accordingly, it appears that Weywot's eccentricity
likely did not tidally evolve to its current value from an initially
circular orbit. Rather, it seems that some other mechanism has raised
its eccentricity post-formation, or Weywot formed with a non-negligible
Published in: Icarus, 222, 357 (2013 January)
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
We present long-term BVRI observations of 2010 WG9, an 100 km
diameter trans-Neptunian object (TNO) with an extremely high inclination
of 70 deg discovered by the La Silla-QUEST southern sky survey. Most of
the observations were obtained with ANDICAM on the SMARTS 1.3 m at Cerro
Tololo, Chile from 2010 December to 2012 December. Additional
observations were made with EFOSC2 on the 3.5 m NTT telescope of the
European Southern Observatory at La Silla, Chile in 2011 February. The
observations reveal a sinusoidal light curve with amplitude 0.14 mag and
days, which is likely half the true rotation
period. Such long rotation periods have previously been observed only
for tidally evolved binary TNOs, suggesting that 2010 WG9 may be such a
system. We predict a nominal separation of at least 790 km, resolvable
with Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based systems. We measure
, consistent with the
colors of modestly red Centaurs and Damocloids. At I-band wavelengths,
we observe an unusually large variation of color with rotational phase,
with R - I ranging from
. We
also measure an absolute R-band absolute magnitude of
and solar phase coefficient
To appear in: The Astronomical Journal
Preprints available on the web at
Predicting the rate of escape and thermal structure of Pluto's upper atmosphere in preparation for the New Horizons Spacecraft encounter in 2015 is important for planning and interpreting the expected measurements. Having a moderate Jeans parameter Pluto's atmosphere does not fit the classic definition of Jeans escape for light species escaping from the terrestrial planets, nor does it fit the hydrodynamic outflow from comets and certain exoplanets. It has been proposed for some time that Pluto lies in the region of slow hydrodynamic escape. Using a hybrid fluid/molecular-kinetic model, we previously demonstrated the typical implementation of this model fails to correctly describe the appropriate temperature structure for the upper atmosphere for solar minimum conditions. Here we use a time-dependent solver to allow us to extend those simulations to higher heating rates and we examine fluid models in which Jeans-like escape expressions are used for the upper boundary conditions. We compare these to hybrid simulations of the atmosphere under heating conditions roughly representative of solar minimum and mean conditions as these bracket conditions expected during the New Horizon encounter. Although we find escape rates comparable to those previously estimated by the slow hydrodynamic escape model, and roughly consistent with energy limited escape, our model produces a much more extended atmosphere with higher temperatures roughly consistent with recent observations of CO. Such an extended atmosphere will be affected by Charon and will affect Pluto's interaction with the solar wind at the New Horizon encounter. Since we have previously shown that such models can be scaled, these results have implications for modeling exoplanet atmospheres for which the energy limited escape approximation is often used.
To appear in: Icarus
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Dynamical Formation of Detached Trans-Neptunian Objects Close to the 2:5 and 1:3 Mean Motion Resonances with Neptune
Pedro Ivo de Oliveira Brasil1, Rodney da Silva Gomes2, and Jean Soares2
1 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil
2 Observatório Nacional, Brazil
Submitted to: Astronomy & Astrophysics
For preprints contact
European Planetary Science Congress 2013
2013 September 8-13
London, United Kingdom
SB8 session ``KBOs and Centaurs, latest results from space- and ground-based telescopes''
There are currently 9 contributions submitted for this session
The Universe Explored by Herschel
2013 October 15-18
ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
One of the 5 science areas covered by this conference is ``The Solar System & its evolution''
There are currently 8 contributions submitted on TNOs, Pluto, Centaurs, Phoebe, etc.
We accept submissions for the following sections:
Distant EKOs is not a refereed publication, but is a tool for furthering communication among people interested in Kuiper belt research. Publication or listing of an article in the Newsletter or the web page does not constitute an endorsement of the article's results or imply validity of its contents. When referencing an article, please reference the original source; Distant EKOs is not a substitute for peer-reviewed journals.