There were 8 new TNO discoveries announced since the previous issue of Distant EKOs:
2013 FA28, 2013 FB28, 2013 FC28, 2013 FD28, 2013 JV63, 2013 JW63, 2014 FP43, 2014 FX61
and 6 new Centaur/SDO discoveries:
2013 JU63, 2014 FU61, 2014 FB62, 2014 KL84, 2014 LR14, 2014 LJ9
Reclassified objects:
2014 FB62 (CentaurTNO)
Objects recently assigned numbers:
2012 GN12 = (395699)
Current number of TNOs: 1272 (including Pluto)
Current number of Centaurs/SDOs: 398
Current number of Neptune Trojans: 9
Out of a total of 1679 objects:
648 have measurements from only one opposition
631 of those have had no measurements for more than a year
327 of those have arcs shorter than 10 days
(for more details, see:
The Deep Ecliptic Survey (DES) was a survey project that discovered
hundreds of Kuiper Belt objects from 1998-2005. Extensive follow-up
observations of these bodies has yielded 304 objects with
well-determined orbits and dynamical classifications into one of several
categories: Classical, Scattered, Centaur, or 16 mean-motion resonances
with Neptune. The DES search fields are well documented, enabling us to
calculate the probability on each frame of detecting an object with its
particular orbital parameters and absolute magnitude at a randomized
point in its orbit. The detection probabilities range from a maximum of
0.32 for the 3:2 resonant object 2002 GF32 to a minimum of
1.5 x 10-7 for the faint Scattered object 2001 FU185. By
grouping individual objects together by dynamical classes, we can
estimate the distributions of four parameters that define each class:
semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, and object size. The orbital
element distributions (a, e, and i) were fit to the largest three
classes (Classical, 3:2, and Scattered) using a maximum likelihood fit.
Using the absolute magnitude (H-magnitude) as a proxy for the object
size, we fit a power law to the number of objects vs. H magnitude for
8 classes with at least 5 detected members (246 objects). The Classical
objects are best fit with a power-law slope of
(observed from
). Six other dynamical classes
(Scattered plus 5 resonances) have consistent magnitude distributions
slopes with the Classicals, provided that the absolute
number of objects is scaled. Scattered objects are somewhat more
numerous than Classical objects, while there are only a quarter as many
3:2 objects as Classicals. The exception to the power law relation is
the Centaurs, which are non-resonant objects with perihelia closer than
Neptune and therefore brighter and detectable at smaller sizes. Centaurs
were observed from 7.5<H<11, and that population is best fit by a
power law with
. This is consistent with a knee in
the H-distribution around H=7.2 as reported elsewhere (Bernstein et
al. 2004, Fraser et al. 2014). Based on the Classical-derived magnitude
distribution, the total number of objects (
) in each class are:
Classical (
objects), Scattered (
), 3:2
), 2:1 (
), 5:2 (
), 7:4 (
5:3 (
). The independent estimate for the number of Centaurs in
the same H range is
. If instead all objects are divided by
inclination into ``Hot'' and ``Cold'' populations, following Fraser et
al. (2014), we find that
, while
, in good agreement with that work.
To appear in: The Astronomical Journal
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
We report on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of three Kuiper
Belt Objects (KBOs), discovered in our dedicated ground-based search
campaign, that are candidates for long-range observations from the New
Horizons spacecraft: 2011 JY31, 2011 HZ102, and 2013 LU35.
Astrometry with HST enables both current and future critical
accuracy improvements for orbit precision, required for possible New
Horizons observations, beyond what can be obtained from the ground.
Photometric colors of all three objects are red, typical of the Cold
Classical dynamical population within which they reside; they are also
the faintest KBOs to have had their colors measured. None are observed
to be binary with HST above separations of arcsec
km at 44 AU) and
Published in: Icarus
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
and at
As the second part of our study, in this paper we proceed to explore the
dynamics of the high-inclination Twotinos in the 1:2 Neptune mean motion
resonance (NMMR). Depending on the inclination i, we show the
existence of two critical eccentricities ea(i) and ec(i), which
are lower limits of the eccentricity e for the resonant angle
to exhibit libration and asymmetric libration, respectively.
Accordingly, we have determined the libration centres
inclined orbits, which are strongly dependent on i. With initial
on a fine grid of (e, i), the stability of orbits in
the 1:2 NMMR is probed by 4-Gyr integrations. It is shown that symmetric
librators are totally unstable for
; while stable
asymmetric librators exist for i up to
We further investigate the 1:2 NMMR capture and retention of
planetesimals with initial inclinations
in the planet
migration model using a long time-scale of 2 x 107 yr. We find
that: (1) the capture efficiency of the 1:2 NMMR decreases drastically
with the increase of i0, and it goes to 0 when
(2) the probability of discovering Twotinos with
, beyond
observed values, is roughly estimated to be
per cent; (3) more
particles are captured into the leading rather than the trailing
asymmetric resonance for
, but this number difference
appears to be the opposite at
and is continuously
varying for even larger i0; (4) captured Twotinos residing in the
trailing resonance or having
are practically outside the
Kozai mechanism, like currently observed samples.
To appear in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Preprints available on the web at
The existence of an outer planet beyond Pluto has been a matter of debate for decades and the
recent discovery of 2012 VP113 has just revived the interest for this controversial topic.
This Sedna-like object has the most distant perihelion of any known minor planet and the value
of its argument of perihelion is close to 0. This property appears to be shared by
almost all known asteroids with semimajor axis greater than 150 au and perihelion greater than
30 au (the extreme trans-Neptunian objects or ETNOs), and this fact has been interpreted as
evidence for the existence of a super-Earth at 250 au. In this scenario, a population of stable
asteroids may be shepherded by a distant, undiscovered planet larger than the Earth that keeps
the value of their argument of perihelion librating around 0
as a result of the Kozai
mechanism. Here, we study the visibility of these ETNOs and confirm that the observed excess of
objects reaching perihelion near the ascending node cannot be explained in terms of any
observational biases. This excess must be a true feature of this population and its possible
origin is explored in the framework of the Kozai effect. The analysis of several possible
scenarios strongly suggest that at least two trans-Plutonian planets must exist.
To appear in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Letters
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Among all the asteroid dynamical groups, Centaurs have the highest fraction of objects moving in retrograde orbits. The distribution in absolute magnitude, H, of known retrograde Centaurs with semi-major axes in the range 6-34 AU exhibits a remarkable trend: 10% have H < 10 mag, the rest have H > 12 mag. The largest objects, namely (342842) 2008 YB3, 2011 MM4 and 2013 LU28, move in almost polar, very eccentric paths; their nodal points are currently located near perihelion and aphelion. In the group of retrograde Centaurs, they are obvious outliers both in terms of dynamics and size. Here, we show that these objects are also trapped in retrograde resonances that make them unstable. Asteroid 2013 LU28, the largest, is a candidate transient co-orbital to Uranus and it may be a recent visitor from the trans-Neptunian region. Asteroids 342842 and 2011 MM4 are temporarily submitted to various high-order retrograde resonances with the Jovian planets but 342842 may be ejected towards the trans-Neptunian region within the next few hundred kyr. Asteroid 2011 MM4 is far more stable. Our analysis shows that the large retrograde Centaurs form an heterogeneous group that may include objects from various sources. Asteroid 2011 MM4 could be a visitor from the Oort cloud but an origin in a relatively stable closer reservoir cannot be ruled out. Minor bodies like 2011 MM4 may represent the remnants of the primordial planetesimals and signal the size threshold for catastrophic collisions in the early Solar System.
To appear in: Astrophysics and Space Science
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Compositional analyses of Pluto's surface ice in the literature typically include large areas on the body where CH4 and other volatiles are segregated in the pure form from the solid solution N2:CH4 in which CH4 is diluted. However, the existence of continent-size areas of pure CH4 are in conflict with both of the alternative models that successfully explain the enhancement of CH4 in Pluto's atmosphere, the Detailed Balancing thermal equilibrium model and the Hot Methane Patch model. Pluto's spectrum includes an apparently unshifted CH4 component while Triton's does not, and 93% of the concentration range of the binary phase diagram at 38 K shows that these species exist as a mixture of two saturated solid solution phases. Recognizing this, we propose that both of these saturated phases are present on Pluto and the CH4-rich phase of the mixture, CH4:N2, is the source of the relatively unshifted CH4 spectrum attributed to pure CH4. We also propose that CH4 is less abundant in Triton's ice to the point where either the ice is not saturated or the saturated CH4:N2 phase has not been detected. In this scenario, the partial vapor pressures do not change when the relative proportions of these saturated phases are varied in the mixture. Thus, the partial vapor pressures are independent of N2-CH4 concentrations if both saturated phases are present. Accordingly, the longitudinal and seasonal variations of CH4 and N2 features in Pluto's spectrum would be attributed to spatial variations in the relative proportions of these species. This may occur during volatile transport in the sublimation wind through extensive influences. The lower, unsaturated, values of the mole fraction of CH4 in the ice reported by Owen et al. (1993) and Cruikshank et al. (1998), and by Doute et al. (1999) based on a compositional analysis of Pluto's surface, were not obtained using optical constants for components consistent with the constraints of the phase diagram.
To appear in: Icarus
For preprints, contact
Recent hybrid fluid/molecular kinetic models demonstrated that Pluto’s
upper atmosphere is warmer and more extended than previously thought
(Erwin et al., 2013; Tucker et al. 2012). Here we examine the effect of
Charon on the molecular escape rate from Pluto’s extended atmosphere,
simulate the spatial distribution of N2 in this binary system, and
describe the resulting accumulation of N2 on Charon. These Monte
Carlo simulations are carried out for approximate solar medium
conditions at 33 AU. Including Charon’s gravity and orbital
motion,the atmosphere on the Pluto’s Charon-facing hemisphere is more
strongly bound to the system and is more extended than the atmosphere on
Pluto’s anti-Charon hemisphere. Accounting for Charon’s gravity the net
escape from the system is reduced by
5%. Most of the loss is
direct from Pluto’s exobase region with
1-2% due to scattering by
Charon. About
0.2% of the flux from Pluto’s exobase impinges on
N2/s at nominal solar medium
conditions. This is a source of condensed N2 for Charon’s night side
and forms a tenuous atmosphere. For the approximate range of surface
temperatures, the residence time of N2 on the surface can range from
a fraction of a second to 10’s of years with the near surface line of
sight column densities varying from
up to
> 6 x 1019 N2/m2. Such an atmosphere could be
detectable during the solar occultation that will occur during the New
Horizon encounter providing a measure of the transfer of gas between
bodies in this binary system.
To appear in: Icarus
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Previous calculations of the internal structure and thermal evolution of
Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) by Desch et al. (Desch, S.J., Cook, J.C.,
Doggett, T.C., Porter, S.B. [2009]. Icarus 202, 694-714) have predicted
that KBOs should only partially differentiate, with rock and ice
separating into a rocky core and icy mantle, below an undifferentiated
crust of ice and rock. This crust is thermally insulating and enhances
the ability of subsurface liquid to persist within KBOs. A dense
rock/ice layer resting on an icy mantle is gravitationally unstable and
prone to Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instabilities, and may potentially
overturn. Here we calculate the ability of RT instabilities to act in
KBOs, and determine the thickness of undifferentiated crusts. We have
used previously calculated growth rates of the RT instability to
determine the critical viscosity of ice needed for the RT instability to
operate. We calculate the viscosity of ice at the cold temperatures and
long timescales relevant to KBOs. We find that crustal overturn is only
possible where the temperature exceeds about 150 K, and that RT
instabilities cannot act on geological timescales within about 60 km of
the surfaces of a KBO like Charon. Although this crustal thickness is
less than the 85 km previously calculated by Desch et al. (Desch, S.J.,
Cook, J.C., Doggett, T.C., Porter, S.B. [2009]. Icarus 202, 694-714), it
is still significant, representing 25% of the mass of the KBO. We
conclude that while RT instabilities may act in KBOs, they do not
completely overturn their crusts. We calculate that Saturn’s moon Rhea
should only partially differentiate, resulting in a moment of inertia
Published in: Icarus, 236, 122 (2014 July)
We accept submissions for the following sections:
Distant EKOs is not a refereed publication, but is a tool for furthering communication among people interested in Kuiper belt research. Publication or listing of an article in the Newsletter or the web page does not constitute an endorsement of the article's results or imply validity of its contents. When referencing an article, please reference the original source; Distant EKOs is not a substitute for peer-reviewed journals.