There were 7 new TNO discoveries announced since the previous issue of
Distant EKOs :
2015 RC277,
2015 VA164,
2015 VB164,
2015 VC164,
2015 VD164,
2016 SP55,
2017 OF69
and 4 new Centaur/SDO discoveries:
2015 KE172,
2015 BP519,
2015 KF172,
2015 KG172
Reclassified objects:
2013 JU63 (SDO → TNO)
2016 FX58 (TNO → SDO)
Objects recently assigned numbers:
2012 HZ84 = (516977)
2015 KZ120 = (517717)
2016 FH13 = (518151)
Current number of TNOs: 1934 (including Pluto)
Current number of Centaurs/SDOs: 768
Current number of Neptune Trojans: 17
Out of a total of 2719 objects:
691 have measurements from only one opposition
683 of those have had no measurements for more than a year
341 of those have arcs shorter than 10 days
(for more details, see: )
On the Detectability of Planet X with LSST
D.E. Trilling1,2, E.C. Bellm3, and R. Malhotra4
1 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA
2 Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ, USA
3 University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
4 University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Two planetary mass objects in the far outer solar system -
collectively referred to here as Planet X - have recently been
hypothesized to explain the orbital distribution of distant Kuiper Belt
Objects. Neither planet is thought to be exceptionally faint, but the
sky locations of these putative planets are poorly constrained.
Therefore, a wide area survey is needed to detect these possible
planets. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will carry out an
unbiased, large area (around 18,000 deg
2), deep (limiting magnitude of
individual frames of 24.5) survey (the "wide-fast-deep (WFD)" survey)
of the southern sky beginning in 2022, and it will therefore be an
important tool in searching for these hypothesized planets. Here, we
explore the effectiveness of LSST as a search platform for these
possible planets. Assuming the current baseline cadence (which includes
the WFD survey plus additional coverage), we estimate that LSST will
confidently detect or rule out the existence of Planet X in 61% of the
entire sky. At orbital distances up to ∼ 75 au, Planet X could
simply be found in the normal nightly moving object processing; at
larger distances, it will require custom data processing. We also
discuss the implications of a nondetection of Planet X in LSST data.
Published in:
The Astronomical Journal, 155, 243 (2018 June)
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
The Generation of the Distant Kuiper Belt by Planet Nine from an Initially Broad Perihelion Distribution
T. Khain1, K. Batygin2, and M.E. Brown2
1 Department of Physics and Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
2 Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
The observation that the orbits of long-period Kuiper Belt objects are
anomalously clustered in physical space has recently prompted the Planet Nine
hypothesis - the proposed existence of a distant and eccentric
planetary member of our solar system. Within the framework of this
model, a Neptune-like perturber sculpts the orbital distribution of
distant Kuiper Belt objects through a complex interplay of resonant and
secular effects, such that in addition to perihelion-circulating
objects, the surviving orbits get organized into apsidally aligned and
anti-aligned configurations with respect to Planet Nine's orbit. In this
work, we investigate the role of Kuiper Belt initial conditions on the
evolution of the outer solar system using numerical simulations.
Intriguingly, we find that the final perihelion distance distribution
depends strongly on the primordial state of the system, and demonstrate
that a bimodal structure corresponding to the existence of both aligned
and anti-aligned clusters is only reproduced if the initial perihelion
distribution is assumed to extend well beyond ∼ 36 AU. The
bimodality in the final perihelion distance distribution is due to the
existence of permanently stable objects, with the lower perihelion peak
corresponding to the anti-aligned orbits and the higher perihelion peak
corresponding to the aligned orbits. We identify the mechanisms which
enable the persistent stability of these objects and locate the regions
of phase space in which they reside. The obtained results contextualize
the Planet Nine hypothesis within the broader narrative of solar system
formation, and offer further insight into the observational search for
Planet Nine.
Published in:
The Astronomical Journal, 155, 250 (2018 June)
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
K2 Precision Lightcurve: Twelve Days in the Pluto-Charon System
S.D. Benecchi1, C.M. Lisse2, E.L. Ryan3, R.P. Binzel4,
M.E. Schwamb5,6, L.A. Young7, and A.J. Verbiscer8
1 Planetary Science Institute, 1700 East Fort Lowell Rd., Suite 106, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA
2 JHU-APL, 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723, USA
3 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 8800 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA
5 Gemini Observatory, Northern Operations Center, 670 North A'ohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720, USA
6 Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, P.O. Box 23-141, Taipei 10617,Taiwan
7 Southwest Research Institute, 1050 Walnut St., Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80302, USA
8 University of Virginia, Department of Astronomy, PO Box 400325, Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA
Kepler spacecraft's imaging photometer monitored the Pluto
system from October-December 2015 during Campaign 7 of the K2 extended
Kepler obtained an unprecedented and fortuitous nearly
continuous 12-Pluto day lightcurve from measurements acquired every 30 minutes
using long cadence sampling. This 3-month-long baseline anchors
the Pluto+Charon lightcurve near the time of the
New Horizons
July 2015 encounter, observing at solar phase angles between
° and 1.74
°. Long-term modeling of Pluto's lightcurve
will ultimately reveal its long-term seasonal variation. K2's combined
Pluto+Charon lightcurves measured at this epoch have an average total
amplitude of 0.120±0.006, 0.07 magnitudes smaller than the amplitude
predicted by a static frost model (Buie & Tholen 1989) projected from
Hubble Space Telescope surface maps (Buie et al. 1992).
Subtracting a static Charon lightcurve from the Pluto+Charon K2
lightcurve produces the same results. Likewise, we subtract each
rotation model from the model for the first full rotation and find that
the average difference of all variations is 0.017±0.008 magnitudes.
Moreover, the difference between the first and last K2 rotation is 0.005 magnitudes,
implying that there are no significant changes in the
lightcurve during the 3 months of K2 observations. These results are
consistent with seasonal transport on Pluto's surface and the
predictions of Buratti et al. 2015a. However, a detailed understanding
of the surface-atmosphere interactions associated with these phenomena
requires decades of monitoring.
To appear in:
Icarus, 314, 285 (2018 November)
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Pluto's Haze as a Surface Material
W.M. Grundya, T. Bertrandb, R.P. Binzelc, M.W. Buied,
B.J. Burattie, A.F. Chengf, J.C. Cookg, D.P. Cruikshankb,
S.L. Devinse, C.M. Dalle Oreb,h, A.M. Earlec, K. Ennicob,
F. Forgeti, P. Gaoj, G.R. Gladstonek, C.J.A. Howettd,
D.E. Jenningsl, J.A. Kammerk, T.R. Lauerm, I.R. Linscottn,
C.M. Lissef, A.W. Lunsfordl, W.B. McKinnono, C.B. Olkind,
A.H. Parkerd, S. Protopapad, E. Quiricoq, D.C. Reuterl,
B. Schmittp, K.N. Singerd, J.A. Spencerd, S.A. Sternd,
D.F. Strobelq, M.E. Summersr, H.A. Weaverf, G.E. Weigle IIk,
M.L. Wongj, E.F. Youngd, L.A. Youngd, and X. Zhangs
a Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ, USA
b NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA
c Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
d Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, CO, USA
e NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, La Cañada Flintridge, CA, USA
f Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, USA
g Pinhead Institute, Telluride, CO, USA
h SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA, USA
i Laboratoire de Métorologie Dynamique (CNRS/UPMC), Paris, France
j California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
k Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA
l NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA
m National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Tucson, AZ, USA
n Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
o Washington University of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA
p Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IPAG, Grenoble, France
q Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
r George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA
s University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Pluto's atmospheric haze settles out rapidly compared with geological
timescales. It needs to be accounted for as a surface material,
distinct from Pluto's icy bedrock and from the volatile ices that
migrate via sublimation and condensation on seasonal timescales. This
paper explores how a steady supply of atmospheric haze might affect three
distinct provinces on Pluto. We pose the question of why they each look
so different from one another if the same haze material is settling out
onto all of them. Cthulhu is a more ancient region with comparatively
little present-day geological activity, where the haze appears to simply
accumulate over time. Sputnik Planitia is a very active region where
glacial convection, as well as sublimation and condensation rapidly
refresh the surface, hiding recently deposited haze from view. Lowell
Regio is a region of intermediate age featuring very distinct coloration
from the rest of Pluto. Using a simple model haze particle as a colorant,
we are not able to match the colors in both Lowell Regio and Cthulhu. To
account for their distinct colors, we propose that after arrival at
Pluto's surface, haze particles may be less inert than might be supposed
from the low surface temperatures. They must either interact with local
materials and environments to produce distinct products in different
regions, or else the supply of haze must be non-uniform in time and/or
location, such that different products are delivered to different places.
To appear in:
Icarus, 314, 232 (2018 November)
Available online at:
For preprints, see
Primordial N2 Provides a Cosmochemical Explanation for the Existence of
Sputnik Planitia, Pluto
C.R. Glein1 and J.H. Waite Jr.1
1 Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX 78238, USA
The presence of N
2 in the surface environment of Pluto is critical in creating
Pluto's richness of features and processes. Here, we propose that the nitrogen
atoms in the N
2 observed on Pluto were accreted in that chemical form during the
formation of Pluto. We use New Horizons data and models to estimate the amounts
of N
2 in the following exterior reservoirs: atmosphere, escape, photochemistry,
and surface. The total exterior inventory is deduced to be dominated by a glacial
sheet of N
2-rich ices at Sputnik Planitia, or by atmospheric escape if past rates
of escape were much faster than at present. Pluto's atmosphere is a negligible
reservoir of N
2, and photochemical destruction of N
2 may also be of little
consequence. Estimates are made of the amount of N
2 accreted by Pluto based on
cometary and solar compositions. It is found that the cometary model can account
for the amount of N
2 in Sputnik Planitia, while the solar model can provide a
large initial inventory of N
2 that would make prodigious atmospheric escape
possible. These consistencies can be considered preliminary evidence in support
of a primordial origin of Pluto's N
2. However, both models predict accreted ratios
of CO/N
2 that are much higher than that in Pluto's atmosphere. Possible processes
to explain "missing CO" that are given quantitative support here are fractional
crystallization from the atmosphere resulting in CO burial at the surface, and
aqueous destruction reactions of CO subject to metastable thermodynamic
equilibrium in the subsurface. The plausibility of primordial N
2 as the primary
source of Pluto's nitrogen (vs. NH
3 or organic N) can be tested more rigorously
using future constraints on the
15N ratio in N
2 and the
2 ratio.
To appear in:
Icarus, 313, 79 (2018 October)
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Resonances in the Asteroid and Trans-Neptunian Belts:
A Brief Review
T. Gallardo1
1 Instituto de Física, Facultad
de Ciencias, UdelaR, Iguá 4225, 11400 Montevideo, Uruguay
Mean motion resonances play a fundamental role in the dynamics of the
small bodies of the Solar System. The last decades of the 20th century
gave us a detailed description of the dynamics as well as the process of
capture of small bodies in coplanar or small inclination resonant
orbits. More recently, semianalytical or numerical methods allowed us to
explore the behavior of resonant motions for arbitrary inclination
orbits. The emerging dynamics is very rich, including large orbital
changes due to secular effects inside mean motion resonances. The
process of capture in highly inclined or retrograde resonant orbits was
addressed showing that the capture in retrograde resonances is more
efficient than in direct ones. A new terminology appeared in order to
characterize the properties of the resonances. Numerical explorations in
the transneptunian region showed the relevance and the particular
dynamics of the exterior resonances with Neptune which can account for
some of the known high perihelion orbits in the scattered disk.
Moreover, several asteroids evolving in resonance with planets other
than Jupiter or Neptune were found and a large number of asteroids in
three-body resonances were identified.
To appear in:
Planetary and Space Science, 157, 96 (2018 August)
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
OSSOS IX: Two Objects in Neptune's 9:1 Resonance - Implications for Resonance Sticking in the Scattering Population
K. Volk1, R. A. Murray-Clay2, B.J. Gladman3, S.M. Lawler4,
T.Y.M. Yu5, M. Alexandersen6, M.T. Bannister7, Y-T. Chen6,
R.I. Dawson8, S. Greenstreet9,15, S.D.J. Gwyn4, J.J. Kavelaars4,10,
H.W. Lin11,12, P.S. Lykawka13, and J-M. Petit14
1 Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, 1629 E University Boulevard, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
2 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
3 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada
4 INRC-Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada, 5071 West Saanich Road, Victoria, British Columbia V9E 2E7, Canada
5 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
6 Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica; 11F of AS/NTU Astronomy-Mathematics Building, Nr. 1 Roosevelt Road, Sec. 4, Taipei 10617, Taiwan, R.O.C.
7 Astrophysics Research Centre, Queen?s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK
8 Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
9 Las Cumbres Observatory, 6740 Cortona Drive, Suite 102, Goleta, CA 93117, USA
10 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Elliott Building, 3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada
11 Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, Taoyuan 32001, Taiwan
12 Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
13 School of Interdisciplinary Social and Human Sciences, Kindai University, Japan
14 Institut UTINAM UMR6213, CNRS, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comte, OSU Theta F25000 Besancon, France
15 Department of Physics, Broida Hall, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
We discuss the detection in the Outer Solar System Origins Survey
(OSSOS) of two objects in Neptune's distant 9:1 mean motion resonance at
semimajor axis a ≈ 130 au. Both objects are securely resonant on
10 Myr timescales, with one securely in the 9:1 resonance's leading
asymmetric libration island and the other in either the symmetric or
trailing asymmetric island. These objects are the largest semimajor axis
objects with secure resonant classifications, and their detection in a
carefully characterized survey allows for the first robust resonance
population estimate beyond 100 au. The detection of these objects
implies a 9:1 resonance population of 1.1×10
4 objects with
r < 8.66 (D >~ 100 km) on similar orbits (95% confidence range
of ∼ 0.4−3×10
4). Integrations over 4 Gyr of an ensemble of
clones spanning these objects' orbit fit uncertainties reveal that they
both have median resonance occupation timescales of ∼ 1 Gyr. These
timescales are consistent with the hypothesis that these objects
originate in the scattering population but became transiently stuck to
Neptune's 9:1 resonance within the last ∼ 1 Gyr of solar system
evolution. Based on simulations of a model of the current scattering
population, we estimate the expected resonance sticking population in
the 9:1 resonance to be 1000-4500 objects with H
r < 8.66; this is
marginally consistent with the OSSOS 9:1 population estimate. We
conclude that resonance sticking is a plausible explanation for the
observed 9:1 population, but we also discuss the possibility of a
primordial 9:1 population, which would have interesting implications for
the Kuiper belt's dynamical history.
Published in:
The Astronomical Journal, 155, 260 (2018 June)
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
Trans-Neptunian Objects Transiently Stuck in Neptune's Mean Motion Resonances: Numerical Simulations of the Current Population
T.Y.M. Yu1, R.A. Murray-Clay2, and K. Volk3
1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
3 Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, 1629 E University Boulevard, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
A substantial fraction of our solar system's trans-Neptunian objects
(TNOs) are in mean motion resonance with Neptune. Many of these objects
were likely caught into resonances by planetary migration-either
smooth or stochastic-approximately 4 Gyr ago. Some, however,
gravitationally scattered off of Neptune and became transiently stuck in
more recent events. Here, we use numerical simulations to predict the
number of transiently-stuck objects, captured from the current actively
scattering population, that occupy 111 resonances at semimajor axes
a=30-100 au. Our source population is an observationally constrained
model of the currently-scattering TNOs. We predict that, integrated
across all resonances at these distances, the current transient sticking
population comprises 40% of total transiently-stuck+scattering TNOs,
suggesting that these objects should be treated as a single population.
We compute the relative distribution of transiently-stuck objects across
all p:q resonances with 1/6 ≤ q/p < 1, p < 40, and q < 20,
providing predictions for the population of transient objects with H
r < 8.66 in each resonance. We find that the relative populations are
approximately proportional to each resonance's libration period and
confirm that the importance of transient sticking increases with
semimajor axis in the studied range. We calculate the expected
distribution of libration amplitudes for stuck objects and demonstrate
that observational constraints indicate that both the total number and
the amplitude-distribution of 5:2 resonant TNOs are inconsistent with a
population dominated by transient sticking from the current scattering
disk. The 5:2 resonance hence poses a challenge for leading theories of
Kuiper belt sculpting.
To appear in:
The Astronomical Journal
Preprints on the web at
The Disturbing Function for Asteroids with Arbitrary Inclinations
F. Namouni1 and M.H.M. Morais2
1 Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, CS 34229, 06304 Nice, France
2 Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Av. 24-A, 1515 13506-900 Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
The classical disturbing function of the three-body problem widely used
in planetary dynamics studies is an expansion of the gravitational
interaction of the three-body problem with respect to zero eccentricity
and zero inclination. This restricts its validity to nearly coplanar
orbits. Motivated by the dynamical study of asteroids, Centaurs and
transneptunian objects with arbitrary inclinations, we derive a series
expansion of the gravitational interaction with respect to an arbitrary
reference inclination that generalises our work on the polar and
retrograde disturbing functions. The new disturbing function, like the
polar one, may model any resonance as expansion order is unrelated to
resonance order. The powers of eccentricity and inclination of the force
amplitude of a p:q resonance depend only on the parity of the
resonance order |p−q|. Disturbing functions with non zero reference
inclinations are thus physically different from the classical disturbing
function as the former are based on the three-dimensional three-body
problem and the latter on the two-dimensional one. We illustrate the use
of the new disturbing function by showing that what is known as pure
eccentricity resonances are intrinsically dependent on inclination
contrary to the prediction of the classical disturbing function. We
determine the inclination dependence of the resonance widths of the 2:1
and 3:1 prograde and retrograde inner resonances with Jupiter as well as
those of the asymmetric librations of the 1:2 and 1:3 prograde outer
resonances with Neptune.
Published in:
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474, 157
(2018 February 11)
on the web at
Phoebe: A Surface Dominated by Water
Wesley C. Fraser1 and Michael E. Brown2
1 Queen's University, Belfast, Belfast Co. Antrim, UK, BT7 1NN
2 California Institute of Technology, USA
The Saturnian irregular satellite, Phoebe, can be broadly described as a
water-rich rock. This object, which presumably originated from the same
primordial population shared by the dynamically excited Kuiper Belt
Objects (KBOs), has received high resolution spectral imaging during the
Cassini flyby. We present a new analysis of the Visual Infrared Mapping
Spectrometer observations of Phoebe, which critically, includes a
geometry correction routine that enables pixel-by-pixel mapping of
visible and infrared spectral cubes directly onto the Phoebe shape
model, even when an image exhibits significant trailing errors. The
result of our re-analysis is a successful match of 46 images, producing
spectral maps covering the majority of Phoebe's surface, roughly a 3rd
of which is imaged by high resolution observations ( < 22 km per pixel
resolution). There is no spot on Phoebe's surface that is absent of
water absorption. The regions richest in water are clearly associated
with the Jason and South Pole impact basins. Phoebe exhibits only three
spectral types, and a water-ice concentration that correlates with
physical depth and visible albedo. The water-rich and water-poor regions
exhibit significantly different crater size frequency distributions, and
different large crater morphologies. We propose that Phoebe once had a
water-poor surface whose water-ice concentration was enhanced by basin
forming impacts which exposed richer subsurface layers. The range of
Phoebe's water-ice absorption spans the same range exhibited by
dynamically excited KBOs. The common water-ice absorption depths and
primordial origins, and the association of Phoebe's water-rich regions
with its impact basins, suggests the plausible idea that KBOs also
originated with water-poor surfaces that were enhanced through
stochastic collisional modification.
To appear in:
The Astronomical Journal
For preprints, contact
or on the web at
An Interstellar Origin for Jupiter's Retrograde Co-orbital Asteroid
F. Namouni1 and M.H.M. Morais2
1 Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, CS 34229, 06304 Nice, France
2 Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Av. 24-A, 1515 13506-900 Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
Asteroid (514107) 2015 BZ509 was discovered recently in Jupiter's
co-orbital region with a retrograde motion around the Sun. The known
chaotic dynamics of the outer Solar System have so far precluded the
identification of its origin. Here, we perform a high-resolution
statistical search for stable orbits and show that asteroid (514107) 2015 BZ509
has been in its current orbital state since the formation of
the Solar System. This result indicates that (514107) 2015 BZ509 was
captured from the interstellar medium 4.5 billion years in the past as
planet formation models cannot produce such a primordial
large-inclination orbit with the planets on nearly-coplanar orbits
interacting with a coplanar debris disk that must produce the
low-inclination small-body reservoirs of the Solar System such as the
asteroid and Kuiper belts. This result also implies that more extrasolar
asteroids are currently present in the Solar System on nearly-polar
Published in:
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477, L117
(2018 June 11)
on the web at
Discovering Pluto - Exploration at the Edge of the Solar System
Dale P. Cruikshank and William Sheehan
University of Arizona Press, 2018. 450 pages
Table of Contents:
1. Twenty-Seven Years and Three Billion Miles
2. A New Planet
3. Gaps
4. "With the Tip of the Pen"
5. Post-Discovery Controversies
6. The Search for Planet X
7. Clyde's Planet
8. Planetary Astronomy
9. Planetary Science, New Technology, and the Discovery of Ice
10. Whence the Ices? Chemistry in the Solar System
11. Icy Earth and Beyond
12. Why Ice on Pluto Matters
13. New Discoveries and a New Paradigm
14. Ices Predict an Atmosphere
15. Surprise! A Moon is Found
16. More Than Ice: Some Extraordinary Chemistry
17. Genesis of a Flight to Pluto
18. The Flight of New Horizons
19. Pluto and Charon: Marvelous Worlds
20. On to the Kuiper Belt
Appendix 1: The New Horizons Science Team
Appendix 2: The New Horizons Spacecraft
Newsletter Information
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- Status reports of on-going programs
- Requests for collaboration or observing coordination
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