NAME: astlinks PURPOSE: Scan for linkages among a collection of asteroid astrometric measurements DESCRIPTION: This program looks for linkages between moving object astrometric measurements. The main set of measurements that are scanned are all of the .ast files in the current directory. These measurements are checked against all other objects in the same directory and against all objects in another directory. The linkages are established by pure linear motion coincidence. There are two files written as the program runs, links.log and astlink.xrft. The file, links.log, is a copy of the copious information about each link that is written to the screen. Here you get to see the data that lead up to the match. The file, astlink.xrft, is a list of matches only. It's in the same format as lplast.xrft which is used by ASTCOL to record the proper name in the output astrometry file. If you have provided "otherdir" and there is an lplast.xrft file in that directory, that file is read and used to further resolve names. CATEGORY: Astrometry CALLING SEQUENCE: astlinks,otherdir INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: otherdir - If specified, the local .ast files are checked against this directory too. KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: NOLOCAL - Flag, if set will suppress checking for linkages within the astrometry from the current directory. ONEFILE - Optional input of a single local .ast file to check against another directory. Specifying this option implies /NOLOCAL. OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 98/01/13, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 2001/08/15, MWB, changed to use new rdlplast procedure. 2002/09/03, MWB, changed Str_sep call to strsplit 2004/9/21, MWB, removed obsolete call to Findfile