NAME: astsn2rd PURPOSE: Astrometry conversion from ($\xi$,$\eta$) to ($\alpha$,$\delta$) DESCRIPTION: Standard coordinate conversion (see Smart, p283) CATEGORY: Astrometry CALLING SEQUENCE: astsn2rd,xi,eta,racen,deccen,ra,dec INPUTS: xi - Coordinate in tangent plane (radians). eta - Coordinate in tangent plane (radians). racen - Right ascension of tangent point between plane and celestial sphere (radians). deccen - Declination of tangent point between plane and celestial sphere (radians). OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ARCSEC - Flag, if set indicates that the input xi,eta values are in arcseconds. Otherwise they need to be in radians. Does not affect the output ra,dec. OUTPUTS: ra - Right ascension (radians) dec - Declination (radians) KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1997/04/05 - Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 2009/06/22, MWB, modified to eliminate numerical singularities 2010/12/10, MWB, added ARCSEC keyword