NAME: avgclip PURPOSE: Average over a 3-D array, clipping unusual deviants. DESCRIPTION: Calculate the average value of an array, or calculate the average value over one dimension of an array as a function of all the other dimensions. CATEGORY: CCD data processing CALLING SEQUENCE: avgclip,array,average INPUTS: array = 3-D input array. May be any type except string. This cube of data is MODIFIED by this routine. What's left on return may or may not be useful. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: BAD - Bad flag cube that matches the input 3-D array. 0 means the value is not known to be bad. Anything else and the pixel should not be used in the average. If not provided, the bad flag array is initially set to all good. This cube is modified to add any additional pixels that were flagged in the process of creating the final image. CLEANMEAN - array (or name of fits file) that should be used to filter outliers. Normally, this image is computed from the median of the image stack. But, if you happen to have better information provide it via this keyword. The image size must be consistent with the cropping region. If the images are to be scaled the mean of this image is not used in any way so you are free to provide a normalized image if you wish. This feature is typically used when combining flat field images. CLEANSIG - array (or name of fits file) that should be used as the sigma image array. By default, this is computed from a clipped sqrt(cleanmean) which is normally the median of the stack. If you provide this array you must also provide CLEANMEAN or this keyword will be ignored. Note that the units of CLEANSIG and CLEANMEAN should match. In other words, if you do provide a normalized clean mean, then CLEANSIG should bear the stamp of that normalization as well. This feature is typically used when combining flat field images. JUSTMEDIAN - Flag, if set will stop processing after the initial median combination of the image cube and this will be the final answer. However, this is only honored if the NORMALIZE and PRESCALE flags are both set. This should only be used if the intrinsic noise level of the result can never drop below 1 DN. SCALE - 4 element vector which, if provide, defines the region of the array dimensions that are used to scale the mean of the arrays before combining. If combined in this manner, the arrays are combined weighted by the means. [x1,x2,y1,y2] If the region contains more than 20000 pixels, then only this many randomly chosen pixels will be used to derive the robust mean of the scaling region. NORMALIZE - Flag, if set and SCALE used, leaves the output average normalized by the SCALE region. SILENT - Flat, if set will suppress all messages to screen. THRESH - Threshold, in units of a standard deviation, to flag and thus remove outliers. The default is 3.0 sigma. NOISEMIN - Noise floor to use when combining images. Typically this would be set to the readout noise so that data with unusually low noise will be treated more realistically. (default=1) NONEWBADFLAGS - Flag, if set will suppress searching for new bad pixels in the stack of images. If you are providing a bad mask then it will be used as is. If you are not providing a bad mask this will cause avgclip to return a straight average of the stack. NTOPCLIP - (default=0) How many of the brightest pixels to removed before the robust statistics. (see OUTPUTS: average - 2-D array that is the robust average of the stack. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: SUCCESS - Flag, if 0 the build failed, if 1, it worked COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1992 Dec 30, Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, cloned from AVG and added average sigma clipping. 95/03/10, MWB, extensive re-write to optimize. 97/06/19, MWB, added SILENT keyword 2000/09/22, MWB, added THRESH keyword 2006/03/18, MWB, fixed problem with bias frame averaging when using overscan correction. 2006/04/04, MWB, fixed problem with flat averaging caused by bias fix 2006/06/29 Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory experiments on noise array 2006/06/30 PLC, added NOISEMETHOD and READNOISE keywords. 2006/07/14, MWB, final checkout and reincorporation into library. 2006/07/25, MWB, slight change to the normalization scaling process. Also added CLEANMEAN and CLEANSIG keywords. 2006/07/27, MWB, added JUSTMEDIAN keyword 2007/08/08, MWB, added BAD keyword 2007/09/04, MWB, fixed problem with CLEANMEAN and CLEANSIG 2007/09/07, MWB, fixed more errors with handling of incoming bad arrays also added the NONEWBADFLAGS keyword and pass BAD through to medarr_mwb 2011/12/16, MWB, added NTOPCLIP keyword 2012/03/28, MWB, removed /nozero on allocation of output image, this would cause problems for pixels that were all bad and return completely unpredictible values. 2018/12/17, MWB, added SUCCESS output keyword