NAME: avgspec PURPOSE: Robust average of a set of 1-D spectra from FITS files. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Spectroscopy CALLING SEQUENCE: avgspec,root,outsuf,start,nspec,result INPUTS: root - Root of file name(s) (no . at the end, may include path). outsuf - Suffix for the output file name. (name will be root+'.'+outsuf) start - First spectrum number of sequence to average. last - Last spectrum number of sequence to average. (if negative, this number is interpreted to be the number of spectra to average). OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: EXCLUDE - Scalar or vector of spectrum numbers to exclude from average. SCALE - range of pixels to use for scaling all spectra to each other. The default is to use all pixels for scaling. REFERENCE - Spectrum number to use as the scaling reference. The scale factors are determined relative to this one. OUTROOT - Root of output file name, default=root Values for header in output spectrum JD - JD of midtime of output average spectrum (default=none) AIRMASS - Effective airmass of spectrum (default=none) OBJECT - Name of object (default=none) OUTPUTS: result - Final averaged spectrum. This is also saved to a FITS file. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: SCFACTOR - Vector of relative scaling factors for each spectrum. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 95/09/18 - Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 96/05/29, MWB, changed 4th argument to LAST from NSPEC