NAME: cloneast PURPOSE: (one line only) Clone astrometric solutions from one night to another DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astrometry CALLING SEQUENCE: cloneast,otherdir,offset INPUTS: otherdir - String pointing to the other directory from which to get astrometric solution offset - Numeric offset of file name. Files are named YYMMDD.nnn in each directory. When linked, the root name is changed and the other frame has the offset added to the suffix number. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: OVERWRITE - if set, overwrite solution, otherwise skip frames with pre-existing solutions MAXOTHER - Largest image number to copy solution from in the other directory. Default=199. This prevents cloning a solution that has already been cloned. Set to 0 to suppress this check. DIGITS - number of digits for the suffix of the image name, default=3 NOSAVE - flag, if set, prevents making any changes to files or copying anything. Use this for a dry run to see if it's going to work ok. RANGE - Optional numeric range of things to clone from the other directory. This is usually not required if you are providing values in offset and are using MAXOTHER. If these two inputs are set to zero then RANGE is a required input. OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2003/06/23 2003/07/03, MWB, added MAXOTHER keyword 2004/07/21, MWB, added creation of symbolic links for srd and psf files 2009/08/05, MWB, modified for new rd/wrastfc versions 2013/09/03, MWB, added DIGITS, NOSAVE, and RANGE keywords, further mods for even newer rd/wrastfc