NAME: colcob PURPOSE: Compute the offset from the center-of-light to center-of-body. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Miscellaneous CALLING SEQUENCE: colcob,map,npix,radius,pole,selat,selon,sslat,sslon,dx,dy INPUTS: map - Array containing a full map of surface, see RENDER.PRO for a more complete description of what's needed here. npix - size of the array for the computation (pixels), the image used for the computation is square and the object just fits in the array. radius - Radius of object in km. pole - Position angle of pole, east from north (degrees) selat - Sub-earth latitude (degrees) selon - Sub-earth longitude (degrees) sslat - Sub-solar latitude (degrees) Only used for Hapke functions. sslon - Sub-solar longitude (degrees) Only used for Hapke functions. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: Accepts all keywords supported by RENDER.PRO. Many of these are needed to support the proper calculation of the surface reflectance. OUTPUTS: dx - X position of the center-of-light in km (actually this is just in the same units as radius but generally should be km). dy - Y position of the center-of-light. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: IMAGE - Rendered image computed for calculation. FLUX - Total flux (I/F) of the rendered image. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1998/02/17, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 2009/02/01, MWB, nearly a total rewrite both in documentation, coding, and operation. This new version is NOT compatible with the old.