NAME: desalt PURPOSE: Flag fake objects in .obj files that were originally generated by imsalt DESCRIPTION: Read an object list from two files, one working obj file, one containing the salted objects. Compare them, determine which objects are salted and write "s" into the working obj file to identify them as salted objects. CATEGORY: Astrometry CALLING SEQUENCE: rdobjlist,objfile,saltfile INPUTS: objfiledir - Location of working obj files to be read. saltfiledir - Location of obj files containing just the salted objects. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: THRESHOLD - distance found-object can be from salted object (in pixels) default = 3 pixels OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2004/07/12, Written by Julie Kane, MIT 2004/07/18, JFK, added support for multiple files 2004/07/22, MWB, final debug