NAME: drtimes PURPOSE: (one line only) Compute disappearance and reappearance times for an occultation given a shape DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Occultations CALLING SEQUENCE: drtimes,jd0,rastar,decstar,shape,obscode,objcode,jd_d,jd_r INPUTS: jd0 - Julian date of the occultation. Can be a geocentric time or topocentric, it is used as a starting point to find the minimum separation for the given site. rastar - Right ascension of the occultation star, J2000, at the epoch of jd0 decstar - Declination of the occultation star, J2000, at the epoch of jd0 shape - [N,2] array of xi,eta coordinates for the shape of the object. [*,0] are the xi coordinates, [*,1] are the eta coordinates. xi,eta are to be given in km for the projected outline of the object and should be a closed figure. It is assumed that a given line across this shape can intersect the figure in at most two points. obscode - observatory code or structure (see objcode - object code (see OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: jd_d - Julian date of the time of disappearance (=0 if no occultation) jd_r - Julian date of the time of re-appearance (=0 if no occultation) KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: CONFIGURATION: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2022/01/27 2023/09/12, MWB, added missing default value on DEBUG