NAME: elem2xyz PURPOSE: (one line only) Compute position given orbital elements (2-body Keplerian) DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Celestial Mechanics CALLING SEQUENCE: elem2xyz,jdepoch,manom,arg,node,inc,ecc,semi,jdpos,x,y,z INPUTS: jdepoch - Julian date of mean anomaly m - Mean anomaly (radians) arg - Argument of perihelion (radians) node - Longitude of ascending node (radians) inc - Inclination (radians) ecc - Eccentricity a - Semi-major axis (AU) jdpos - Julian date desired (scalar or vector) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ECLIPTIC - Flag, if set returns x,y,z in Heliocentric ecliptic coordinates OUTPUTS: x - Heliocentric x coordinates (AU) y - Heliocentric y coordinates (AU) z - Heliocentric z coordinates (AU) KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Note that there is nothing special about the time. You can, if you wish specify jdepoch as 0. and then have jdpos be a simple incrementing vector starting at zero. In other words, jdpos is really just relative to jdepoch. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2002/05/29 - Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory. Ported from fortran routines supplied by Larry Wasserman and Ted Bowell. 2012/12/09, MWB, changed calling sequence to require time and now allow vector input on jdpos. 2013/08/16, MWB, improve options for mixing and matching vector and scalar inputs. 2014/01/09, MWB, minor tweak to keep the propagated epoch during the calculation, can speed it up in certain cases.