NAME: eph4move PURPOSE: Generates ephemeris files for use by the MOVE computer. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astronomy CALLING SEQUENCE: eph4move,objfile,outfile,TIME=time INPUTS: objfile - String containing file name of objects to generate ephemerides for. This file is a correspondence list between offical object codes (see EPHEM.PRO) and common names. RDMATCH Gives a description of the format of this file. outfile - String containing file name for output, this is the file you will give to the MOVE program. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: TIME - By default, the program will read the system clock and generate an output file consistent with the current date. However, if you wish to override the date, you give a time vector here such as [1995,11,30,0,0,0]. You can also specify a Julian date (scalar) for the starting time. NDAYS - Number of days to run ephemeris for, default = 1 DT - Spacing between ephemeris points, default = 1 hour. OUTPUTS: All information is written to the output file. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: This is setup to work for Anderson Mesa only. PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1995/11/30, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 1995/12/20, MWB, Added NDAYS and DT keywords. 1996/05/02, MWB, Fixed pipe overflow problem when doing to many position. 1998/07/03, MWB, added JD option to TIME 2009/11/09, MWB, minor change to force object code to uppercase when sending to geteph. Some codes aren't accepted as lowercase.