NAME: getsalb2 PURPOSE: (one line) Solve for single scattering albedo given bi-directional reflectance DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Miscellaneous CALLING SEQUENCE: ans = getsalb2(bidref,emu,smu,g,holes,p,b0,theta) INPUTS: bidref - The bi-directional reflectance. emu - Cosine of the emission angle. smu - Cosine of the incidence angle. g - Phase angle, in radians. holes - Compaction parameter value (1981 formalism). p - Value of the single particle phase function. theta - Surface roughness value. (radians) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: H93 - Flag, if set, uses the 1993 version of Hapke's approximation to the Chandresekar H function. The 1993 version is more accurate but considerably slower to compute. OUTPUTS: returns the single scattering albedo. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: This works on scalar input only. PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 2003/10/23, by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, cloned from 2016/01/10, MWB, changed tolerance from 0.005 to 0.001 on salb