NAME: hstloadhdr PURPOSE: Extract information from HST data headers and put in hstast.header database. DESCRIPTION: Reads all xxxxxx_flc.fits.gz files and creates rows in the header table. CATEGORY: Database CALLING SEQUENCE: hstloadhdr INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUT: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: PATH - Path to data directory, default is '/net/amber/raid1/buie/hst/12897/' OVERWRITE - Will overwrite existing files and data base entries if specified, otherwise it will issue warnings on duplicates and leave the existing entries unchanged. If two data base entries are found for something to be added, it is considered a fatal error and the loadhdr will terminate unconditionally. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: Creates entries in the hstast.header table for each _flc.fits.gz file encountered. RESTRICTIONS: CONFIGURATION: (optional, overrides File: config.ini [global] subdir - naem of sub-directory added to base path to find data [ddir] - section to list potential root directories to find data XXX -XXX is a unique string (eg., D01) is a directory path for additional details see COMMON BLOCKS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2012/07/02, Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, cloned from from the HST Cycle 17 project. 2014/07/01, MWB, cloned for the NH search, program 13633. 2016/07/15, MWB, added PROPID keyword 2018/01/03, MWB, removed PROPID, now doesn't care what propid is. 2020/06/22, MWB, generalized to hstast database and can be used for all data, regardless of program