NAME: iota2lc PURPOSE: (one line only) Read an IOTA cvs lightcurve file and convert to a simple text table DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Photometry CALLING SEQUENCE: iota2lc,fnin,fnout INPUTS: fnin - Name of the input file fnout - Name of the output file, default is fnin with the trailing .csv changed to .lc OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: TCORR - camera and integration offset to add to timing [seconds] t_final = t_file + tcorr DCOL - column(field) for the data, default=3 (the code is not general inside) WIDE - flag, if set forces condition of 10 or more columns BINFAC - measurement binning factor to compensative for video frame integration, Default = 1 (no binning) OFFSET - Trim this many points from the start of a lightcurve so that the the binned points match the integration boundarries. The default is zero. This value is constrained internally to be between 0 and binfac-1. N_HEADER - number of lines to skip before the column header OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2020/03/26 2021/05/14, MWB, Added DCOL keyword 2023/06/08, MWB, Added WIDE, BINFAC, and OFFSET keywords 2024/09/04, MWB, Added case for more than 100(!) columns in input file