CLASS_NAME: itool PURPOSE (one line): To display an image and provide tools for its visualization. CATEGORY: Widgets SUPERCLASSES: SUBCLASSES: CREATION: See itool::init METHODS: itool::apdraw itool::cleanup itool::close itool::cstr itool::display itool::draw itool::getproperty itool::newprofile itool::nextimage itool::oneph itool::phact itool::setproperty itool::tpdraw itool::trk itool::realize itool::init 2004, Mar and Apr, DWL, This version of itool was derived from a major overhaul of cw_itool and related routines. It was implemented as an object class named 'itool.' Multiple instances may be realized and managed by host applications. All of the widget applications that may be launched from itool have been re-written using object-oriented techniques and using a standard interface that allows simple and efficient communication of data between them and itool. The object-oriented approach simplifies operation on data, via method routines. With this approach and the standard interface, it should be simple to maintain itool and its related applications, as well as to add other widget applications in the future. All of the itool object-oriented widget applications are named with "itoolwa" as the prefix. The "wa" in the name stands for "widget application." The portion of the file names before the two "underscore" characters are the object-class names. The itool widget applications are: ; The Comet Photometry Manager. ; The Image Parameters Editor. ; The Photometry Parameters Editor. itoolwapixed__define : The Pixel Editor. ; The Profiles Tool. itoolwatpmgr__define : The Template Manager. itool widget-application details: First, each object-oriented widget application, including itool itself, have the following "properties" available within their respective object classes: tlb : the top-level-base of the widget application. pstate : a pointer to the widget application's state structure. In addition, each of the widget applications listed above have the following property in their respective object classes: oitool : The object reference of the instance of itool from which the application was launched. Other properties are defined for each object class, including the "itool" object class. Finally, each object-oriented widget application, including itool, stores a copy of its own object reference in the UVALUE of its top-level base. Every event handler may retrieve a copy of the application's object reference by calling widget_control,, get_uvalue=oref Then, a copy of the pointer to the state structure may be obtained by calling oref->getproperty, PSTATE=pstate Method routines have direct access to the pointer to the state structure, via their intrinsic "self" arguments (self.pstate). When one of the above widget applications is launched from an instance of itool, itool passes a copy of its object reference to that application. In return, itool receives a copy of the object reference for the new instance of that application. The object class for itool defines "properties" for storing object references of each of the applications listed above. The Profiles Tool is allowed more than one instance to be active; object references for it are maintained within an object array. Additional comments: Fixed old bugs. Cleaned up event handling and data-storage techniques. Some of the external routines called are: Loads photometry parameters into a structure, from a file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::apdraw PURPOSE: To draw a photometric aperture in the zoom window. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->apdraw,x,y ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::cleanup PURPOSE: Self-explanatory CALLING SEQUENCE: obj_destroy, oref INPUTS: oref : An itool object reference. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::close PURPOSE: Self-explanatory CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->close INPUTS: oref : An itool object reference. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::cstr PURPOSE: To compute a stretch range for the image. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->cstr, frame INPUTS: frame : The image frame number (the image may be a "cube" of images). Always 1 for 2-D images. OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: SILENT : Set this keyword to suppress display of the stretch range. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::display PURPOSE: To refresh the itool label and text widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->display ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::draw PURPOSE: To refresh the draw itool widgets (full, zoom, and work). CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->draw INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ALT_WORKWIN : Set this keyword to a valid window number. It will be used instead of the window number of the local work window. FULL : Set this keyword to draw the full window. WORK : Set this keyword to draw the work window. ZOOM : Set this keyword to draw the zoom window. ZXCEN : The x-coordinate of the center of the zoom array. ZYCEN : The y-coordinate of the center of the zoom array. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::getproperty PURPOSE: To retrieve "properties" defined for the itool object class. Properties are specified as keyword arguments. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->getproperty INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NO_BLOCK : Set this keyword to a named variable in which to return the value of the NO_BLOCK property. It is passed to all of the itool widget applications. If itool is running in non-blocked mode, all of its widget applications will run in non-blocked mode. OIMAGE : Set this keyword to a named variable in which to return the object reference of the current image object that is active. OITOOLWACPMGR : Set this keyword to a named variable in which to return the object reference for an active Comet Photometry Manager. OITOOLWAIMPARMS : Set this keyword to a named variable in which to return the object reference for an active Image Parameters tool. OITOOLWAPHPARMS : Set this keyword to a named variable in which to return the object reference for an active Photometry Parameters tool. PPH_PARMS : Set this keyword to a named variable in which to return a pointer to the ph_parms structure. PSTATE : Set this keyword to a named variable in which to return a pointer to the state structure. STATUS : Set this keyword to a named variable in which to return the itool status structure. The status structure is defined as: status = {flag:flag, msg:msg, lasttype:lasttype, lastpos:lastpos, object:object, lastfwhm:lastfwhm, lastmag:lastmag} where flag = true if photometry parameters or if templates have been modified. msg = A message string, indicating which have been modified. lasttype, lastpos, object, lastfwhm, and lastmag are from the im_parms structure. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::newprofile PURPOSE: To launch a new instance of the Profiles widget application. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->newprofile INPUTS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::nextimage PURPOSE: To display another image. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->nextimage, oimage INPUTS: oimage : An object reference of class itoolimage. OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FIRST : Set this keyword if nextimage is called from a fresh start-up of itool. Otherwise, assume that nextimage is being called directly from the host application that launched this instance of itool. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::oneph PURPOSE: To do one single-object photometry operation. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->oneph, x, y INPUTS: x, y : the work-window coordinates from a mouse-button event. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::phact PURPOSE: To perform template photometry. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->phact, x, y INPUTS: x, y : the work-window coordinates from a mouse-button event. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::setproperty PURPOSE: To set "properties" defined for the itool object class. Properties are specified as keyword arguments. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->setproperty INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OITOOLWACPMGR : the object reference for the newly-launched Comet Photometry manager. OITOOLWAIMPARMS : the object reference for the newly_launched Image Parameters tool. OITOOLWAPHPARMS : the object reference for the newly_launched Photometry Parameters tool. OITOOLWATPMGR : the object reference for the newly_launched Template Manager. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::tpdraw PURPOSE: To plot the current template in the work window. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->tpdraw KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ALT_TPLATE : Set this keyword to a valid {itool_templatelist} structure. It will be used as the template to draw, instead of the currently-selected template from The Template Manager. ALT_WORKWIN : Set this keyword to a valid window number. It will be used instead of the window number of the local work window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::trk PURPOSE: To refresh the cursor tracking display widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->trk, x, y INPUTS: x, y : the coordinates from a motion event in the work or zoom window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::realize PURPOSE: To realize a new, managed instance of the itool object class. CALLING SEQUENCE: oref->realize INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NO_BLOCK : Set this keyword to cause the widget application to run in non-blocked mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD NAME: itool::init PURPOSE: To initialize a new instance of the itool object class (the itool GUI). CALLING SEQUENCE: oref = obj_new('itool', oimage) INPUTS: oimage : An object reference of class itoolimage. OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: EXPERT : Set this keyword to turn on certain "expert" modes of operation. FVISIBLE : Set this keyword to the desired size, in pixels, of the full window (default is 128). GROUP_LEADER : Set this keyword to the group leader for this instance. NODISMISS : Set this keyword, to de-sensitize the Dismiss button on the file menu and sensitize the Exit button. Otherwise, the Dismiss button will be sensitive and the Exit button will be insensitive. PHOTPARMFILE : Set this keyword to a string containing the name of a photometry-parameters file. SCLMIN : Set this keyword to a minimum stretch-range value. SCLMAX : Set this keyword to a maximum stretch-range value. TMPLFILE : Set this keyword to a string containing the name of a template file. WXVISIBLE : Set this keyword to the size, in pixels, of the width of the work window (default is 500). WYVISIBLE : Set this keyword to the size, in pixels, of the height of the work window (default is 500). WZOOMFACT : Set this keyword to the ceiling of the zoom factor (default is unlimited). XSIZE : Set this keyword to the width, in pixels, of the image (required). YSIZE : Set this keyword to the height, in pixels, of the image (required). ZVISIBLE : Set this keyword to the desired size, in pixels, of the zoom window (default is 128). OUTPUTS: oref = The object reference of the new instance of the itool object class. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: After creating a new instance of this object-oriented widget application, it must be realized. EXAMPLE: oref = obj_new('itool', oimage, GROUP_LEADER=group_leader) oref->realize ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFICATION HISTORY: Note: Adapted from The following history has been copied from cw_itool: Written by Doug Loucks, Lowell Observatory, June 1994. This version is a major re-write, employing the compound widget design introduced in Version 3 of IDL. 94/10/27, MWB, Lowell Observatory, fixed ZOOM bug on line 1144. 95/01/24, MWB, xcen,ycen size mismatch storing back to template if array is 3-d. Fixed to copy *last* position from Basphote return. 95/06/12, MWB, Fixed bug in stretch range computation for large cubes of small images. 95/09/07, MWB, Changed auto-stretch computation to make it more robust. 95/10/31, MWB, Fixed widget layout problem caused by IDL v4.0 changes. 96/01/06, MWB, Changed W*VISIBLE default to recognize smaller screens. 96/01/16, MWB, Fixed !order=1 bug in mouse event handling. Fixed Stretch Menu operational bugs for handling image cubes. 96/06/25, MWB, Added autophot support 97/12/12, MWB, changed display to include more image info on main window. 99/08/31, MWB (with help from John Mattox), added a feature that overplots the aperture on the zoom window image after template or single-object photometry measurement. 2001/4/3, MWB, added plotting of active template in work window 2001/9/18, MWB, fixed color error in plots with 8-bit display. 2002/11/17, MWB, fixed !order=1 bug for overplotting templates. Replaced image scaling with updated skysclim routine. 2004/04/15, DWL, Major overhaul of the entire program. 2004/05/28, DWL. Added a 'Save Image to FITS' button to the File Menu. Added a 'Save Thumbnail Window to JPEG' button to the File Menu. Added a 'Save Work Window to JPEG' button to the File Menu. Added a 'Save Zoom Window to JPEG' button to the File Menu. 2005/11/01, DWL. Added method routine itool::close. This method allows an instance of itool to be closed, from an application that is managing the instance. 2006/03/15 - DWL, Created a new object class named 'itoolimage' (see for details). An instance of this object class is now passed as the argument to this init method, instead of the former "pim_parms" argument. The changes to the itool GUI involve the places where the "pim_parms" argument is required. Now, "pim_parms" is acquired via the "getproperty" method of the 'itoolimage' object class, using the object reference provided via the "oimage" argument. Since it has always been necessary to generate and store information (im_parms) about the image to be displayed in the itool GUI, I felt that this was a good argument in favor of combining the image data and the initialization requirements for those data. Obviously, this suggested object-oriented techniques. With this new object class, calling routines that use the itool GUI benefit from the built-in initialization and cleanup when an instance is created or destroyed. It is no longer necessary for callers of the itool GUI to invoke separate code segments to handle initialization and cleanup of image data; they need only create and destroy instances of the 'itoolimage' object class (obj_new and obj_destroy). Note that the old procedure named itool_init is no longer needed; the duties of that procedure are now handled by the "init" method of the 'itoolimage' object class. 2006/04/4, MWB, fixed auto-scaling bug when looking at image cubes. 2006/5/22, Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory added ccd readout noise as photometric parameter. 2019/12/20, MWB, incorporated new routine, mkxyarr