NAME: jitter PURPOSE: (one line) Generate a jitter convolution kernel for one WFPC2 observation. DESCRIPTION: Given an observation, read its associated jitter file and create a convolution kernel that matches the tracking/jitter history of the object. This is setup for either a sidereal object or planetary object. CATEGORY: CCD data processing CALLING SEQUENCE: jitter, visitid, imgid INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: visitid : If specified, the images corresponding to the visitid will be refit. Otherwise, all images in kbobin.object will be refit based on the setting of the FORCE flag. imgid : If specified, a single image, within the visit specified by visitd, will be refit. Otherwise all images are processed within the visit (or all images in kbobin.object). It is an error to specify imgid without visitid. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: PATH - Path to directory in which compressed fits files of the form rootname_c0f.fits.gz exist. Default is /net/frakir/data1/grundy/hst_binaries/c0f. SAMPFACT- sub-sampling factor for kernel, default=3 PROGRAM - String that identifies the program ID, default='u9zo' (Will's cycle 16 large program) OUTPUTS: kernel - Output convolution kernel COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: Uses HST PSF images which may cause the memory and disk PSF caches to be populated. Modifies entries in KBOBIN data base table postable. These entries reflect the most recent values obtained from the fit, RESTRICTIONS: Ephemeris is geocentric, not HST-centric Assumes data is from WFPC2 PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2008/04/22, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory