NAME: kbolist PURPOSE: Create a summary listing of KBOs in a single directory of DES data DESCRIPTION: Reads .info files CATEGORY: Astronomy CALLING SEQUENCE: kbolist, dir, dirname, rawcode, firstfile, rmag,rmagerr,elong,nelements INPUTS: dir - directory to look in for kbo object list (relative to redpath) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ASTPATH - path to astrometry data default is /net/frakir/raid/buie/astrometry LOGFILE - name of error log file to use, default is 'kbolist.log' REDPATH - Root of the reduction directory tree, default is /net/frakir/raid/reduced OUTPUTS: dirname - directory where the objectlist for the kbo exists rawcode - object code for kbo, can be looker code, mpc code or designation firstnight - first frame of night discovery in survey images rmag - 'r' magnitude of reduction frame rmagerr - error in 'r' magnitude of reduction frame rate - derived rate of motion (arcsec/hour) direct - direction of motion between frames dr - total motion between frames (arcsec) dt - time interval between frames (hours) elong - solar elongation of object nelements - number of objects found, this is 0 if no KBO data is found in this case, other outputs are undefined. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01/01/02, Written by Susan Kern 01/04/06, DBT - Fixed bug in rate 02/07/02, SDK, added REDPATH keyword 2004/02/09, MWB, changed default for ASTPATH 2004/9/21, MWB, removed obsolete call to Findfile