NAME: lcfit PURPOSE: Fit a lightcurve function (Fourier series plus phase coefficient). DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Function fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: lcfit,lon,phang,data,sig,nterms,c,csig INPUTS: lon - Longitude of sub-earth point (0 to 360). phang - Phase angle (Sun-Object-Earth angle in degrees). data - Measured values. sig - Uncertainties of the data. nterms - Number of fourier terms to fit. (2*nterms+1 unknowns) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: NODISPLAY - Flag, if set suppresses all plots from this routine. TITLE - Title to put on plot (default = no title) DYMF - The normal magnitude range on the plots is +/- 0.2 mag about the mean of the extrema of the data. This keyword lets you affect this scaling. The range is +/- 0.2/dymf (default is dymf=1) OUTPUTS: c - fourier series coefficients (see fourfunc) csig - uncertainties of the coefficients KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: YFIT - Final resulting fitted position for each input data point. CHISQ - Goodness-of-fit statistic for fit. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 94/10/10, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 2008/03/16, MWB, added some keywords 2008/11/20, MWB, fixed bug that could cause returned value of CHISQ to be bad 2020/04/29, MWB, some cleanup, slight change to now DYMF is used.