NAME: lstlim PURPOSE: (one line only) Compute the LST range for time of observation DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astronomy CALLING SEQUENCE: lstlim,ra,dec,answer,rlst,slst,quiet=quiet INPUTS: ra - RA of target (J2000) in radians or as a sexigesimal string dec - Declination of target (J2000) in radians or as a sexigesimal string OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: AMCRIT - airmass at start and stop of LST range (default=2.5) QUIET - flag if set will suppress printed output (echo of RA,Dec; the lst string, answer, and the length of time above the limit in hours) OUTPUTS: answer - formatted string of the start and ending local sidereal time to the nearest minute rlst - local sidereal time at the time of rising (2.5 airmasses) slst - local sidereal time at the time of setting (2.5 airmasses) KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: Only works for Lowell Observatory right now. Airmass limit is hard-coded. PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2004/04/13 - Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, first very rough version. 2004/10/26, MWB, added AMCRIT and some input validation. 2008/04/08, MWB, modified formatting of printed output.