NAME: mosplot PURPOSE: Plot Mosaic astrometric solution for DES data and do astrometry. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astrometry CALLING SEQUENCE: mosplot,root,first,last,ext INPUTS: root - root of data area and file names first - number of first image to plot last - number of last image to plot ext - (single) extension number to work OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: SKIP - If set, quietly skips frames with no valid solution. OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2001/08/28 2001/10/09, MWB, added KPNO keyword flag 2002/04/16, MWB, changed the command option structure and added help 2002/04/25, MWB, changed the default option operation to be adaptive 2002/08/11, MWB, added SKIP keyword flag 2008/10/31, MWB, changed to use rdref 2013/03/25, MWB, changed to support longer suffix values