NAME: obsplan PURPOSE: Generate a graphical summary of object location(s) for a given night. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astronomy CALLING SEQUENCE: obsplan,objcode,obs,date INPUTS: objcode - String array of standard object codes (see -or- String containing file name of the list of objects but you must preceed the file name with @ to mark it as a file and not the name of an object. If supplied as a file, this file is a correspondence list of the type read by rdmatch. Column 1 contains the standard object code and column 2 has a full or common name. The columns are separated by acharacter and the common name column MUST begin with a single quote ('). See RDMATCH for more details about this file format. obs - Integer Marsden code of the observatory 688 - Lowell Observatory 500 - Geocentric If you provide an invalid code, 688 is assumed. date - UT date and time vector near midnight, [year,month,day,hour], or JD OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ALLDAY - Flag, if set generates a plot for a full 24 hour period. AMLIMIT - Cutoff airmass for plot, default = 2.6 OBSFILE - Override on file name where observatory codes are to be found. STARCAT - Override on file name where star catalog is to be found (see coord for default). OUTPUTS: Generates a plot to the current graphics device. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 94/10/07, Initial version written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 96/02/08, MWB, added parameter validation, airmass limit option, and file option on objcode 96/02/15, MWB, added support for star lookup and plotting. Also, now computes object position throughout night instead of just at midnight. 96/03/19, MWB, allow JD for input date. 96/10/18, MWB, fixed bug that ignored h,m,s in input date. 96/11/1, MWB, Added ALLDAY keyword 98/09/28, MWB, Fixed a coordinate interpolation bug. 99/01/27, MWB, added support for stars. 99/02/23, MWB, fixed some lingering problems. 2001/03/16, David Tucker, changed rdobscod default file call. 2002/12/04, MWB, added support for strings in obs input. 2022/08/09, MWB, fixed support for obs input types