NAME: occbingen PURPOSE: (one line only) Generate a binned version of an occultation dataset DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Occultations CALLING SEQUENCE: occbingen,team,fwhm,binfac INPUTS: team - string for the team name (must match directories) fwhm - mean fwhm from the unbinned version of the data (or your best guess) binfac - binning factor. values of 1 do not do anything OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: NODISPLAY - Flag, if set suppresses the graphical output OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: CONFIGURATION: File: config.ini [global] event - string with short ID name of event (ex: OR20200914) dir - relative directory for this data set added to the root dir date - YYYY-MM-DD both date and directory name part of path maxphotsig - maximum photometric signal (DN) snrlimit - lower bound of SNR of detected sources to be kept minfwhm - Minimum valid FWHM for a source to keep [TEAM] - name of the team (input variable) dirtime - HH_MM_SS both starting time and directory name part of path maxphotsig - override of value in [global] snrlimit - override of value in [global] minfwhm - override of value in [global] [ddir] - section to list potential root directories to find data XXX -XXX is a unique string (eg., D01) is a directory path for additional details see COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2020/09/23 2021/01/18, MWB, changed strategy for saving binned data and reporting to database 2021/01/27, MWB, added support for stemdir in team stanza in config.ini 2021/05/17, MWB, fixed numerous problems for a binned image that shows no stars. 2022/02/11, MWB, added NODISPLAY keyword 2023/04/04, MWB, added tweak to stemdir logic