NAME: occexpt PURPOSE: (one line only) Compute suggested exposure time for occultation conditions DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Occultations CALLING SEQUENCE: occexpt,system,gmag,gtarg,speed,diam,exptime,snr INPUTS: system - scalar string with name of supported camera/telescope system These four inputs can be scalar or vector but if more than one is a vector all must agree in length. This is not gracefully enforced. The normal cases are all scalar, all equal length vectors, and just one quantity is a vector and the rest are scalar. gmag - G magnitude of the star to be occulted gtarg - Apparent G magnitude of the occulting body speed - shadow velocity speed (km/sec) diam - Expected diameter of the occulting body (km) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: exptime - resulting suggestion for the input conditions snr - predicted SNR for the suggested exposure time KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: CONFIGURATION: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2024/11/15