NAME: occshowgrid PURPOSE: (one line only) Show a grid of postage stamp images from an occultation dataset DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Occultations CALLING SEQUENCE: occshowgrid,team,nx,ny,dw INPUTS: team - String with the name of the team/dataset to read nx - width of image grid ny - height of image grid dw - half-width of the thumbnail to extract OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: HISIG - sigma level for upper stretch threshold (low is -3 sigma), (default = 5) ACTUAL - Flag, if set, use the D&R times (from chords.dat) to establish the reference time, otherwise just used the prediction (from crosstrack.dat). WINDOW - direct graphics window to use for display (default=0) SAVEPNG - Flag, if set, causes the display to be saved to a .png file. The file name will be [team]_grid.png. POS - Optional two element vector with the position of the target [x,y] If supplied will bypass trying to get this from the database. LCFILE - To bypass using the database for the PSF reductions, supply a lightcurve file as written by It's up to you to provide a file that is consistent with the team provided. This will use the x,y position in the file unless you also provide the POS keyword. ZF - zoom factor for thumbnails, default=2 OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: CONFIGURATION: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2020/09/23 2022/01/25, MWB, Added code to handle SAVEPNG keyword optional input argument. Added POS and LCFILE keywords.