NAME: occxtrack PURPOSE: (one line only) Compute cross-track and other geometric information for an occultation DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Occultations CALLING SEQUENCE: occxtrack INPUTS: All inputs are fixed name files. - contains general information about the occultation leading and trailing blanks on a line do not matter any lines after the required set are ignored line 1 - Name of event line 2 - Object code (for geteph, see line 3 - RA of the star (sexigesimal string) line 4 - Dec of the star (sexigesimal string) line 5 - geocentric UT date and time of appulse line 6 - 1-sigma down-track uncertainty (in seconds) line 7 - 1-sigma cross-track uncertainty (in km) chords.dat - list of all stations, same file used for occprof col 1 - siteid (short string) col 2 - flag, 'y' means good data, 'n' means no good data col 3 - latitude (degrees) col 4 - east longitude (degrees) col 5 - altitude (m) col 6 - date of occultation (x if no occultation seen) col 7 - time of disappearance (x if no occultation seen) col 8 - time or reappearance (x if no occultation seen) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: FILE - name of file to read with sites. default = sites.dat This can still read a chords.dat file but this feature is deprecated and all usage needs to shift to the new file setup. OUTFILE - name of file to write to, default = crosstrack.dat FNCONFIG - name of configuration file (overrides, the default is config.ini but if the configuration file is not found then operation reverts to using The minimal content of the config file must have: [global] event - string with short ID oame of event (ex: OR20200914) objectid - object code (see ora - HH:MM:SS.sss position of occultation star at epoch of event odec - +DD:MM:SS.sss position of occultation star at epoch of event geomid - YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.s UT time of geocentric mid-time of event tsig - 1-sigma down-track error in seconds xsig - 1-sigma cross-track error in km OUTPUTS: All outputs are fixed name files. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2020/01/31 2020/09/28, MWB, added FILE keyword 2021/03/10, MWB, added OUTFILE keyword 2021/05/07, MWB, added FNCONFIG keyword 2022/12/20, MWB, changed to use sites.dat instead of chords.dat