NAME: osismean PURPOSE: Compute mean of a set of OSIRIS XD spectra. DESCRIPTION: Given a set of spectra, this will perform a straight average of the provided spectra. First, the relative signal level (relsig) is computed between all members of the set. This relative level is normalized to 1.0 for the individual spectrum with the highest signal level. Then, only those spectra with relsig >= 0.8 will be used for the set mean. If there aren't 4 spectra in this clase, then the brightest 4 spectra will be used, unless there aren't 4 spectra. In this latter case, all spectra will be averaged. CATEGORY: Spectroscopy CALLING SEQUENCE: osismean,spec,bad,specmean INPUTS: spec - Input spectrum to be cleaned up. bad - Array of flags for each point. 0=good, 1=bad. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: REF - If provided, the relative signal levels are measure relative to this spectrum out of the stack. ALL - Flag, if true, forces averaging all spectra regardless of relsig. NORMALIZE - Flag, if true, will renormalize all the spectra to REF prior to averaging. OUTPUTS: relsig - Relative signal levels among set of input spectra. specmean - Average spectrum from the set of spectra. badmean - Bad flag vector for the average spectrum. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: SIGMA - Uncertainty of final weighted average output points. Note, any uncertainty of zero means there is no uncertainty. This will coincide mostly with points that aren't marked bad. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 98/08/13, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 2000/10/1, MWB, added SIGMA keyword (calculation patterned after MEANERR2)