NAME: pamgen PURPOSE: (one line only) Compute a pixel-area map for an astronomical image DESCRIPTION: This program will combine information from an image and its astrometric solution to create an image that contains the area of each pixel on the plane-of-the-sky in units of arcsec^2. CATEGORY: CCD data processing CALLING SEQUENCE: pamgen,root,num INPUTS: root - root of file name num - Image number, file name will be root + '.' + num where num is formatted as a 3-digit zero-padded string. If num is undefined then root is taken to be the entire file name. A string is allowed and will be parsed by to pull out a list of image numbers. You can provide either one or a group of images. If num is undefined then root can either be scalar or vector. If num is defined then root must be scalar. If num is defined it can be either a scalar or vector if it is an integer. If it is a string it can only be a scalar. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: PATH - String, name of directory where image data are to be found. Default is '/net/frakir/raid/reduced/'. 'root' is added on to this path to form the complete directory name. If you supply the path yourself you must completely specify the path. OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: A file, named fitcoeff.dat, must be in PATH. This file is expected to contain a fit that allows mapping from pixel (x,y) to sky (RA,Dec). This file is usually generated by running ASTROM.PRO. For each file specified MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2009/10/02 2009/12/30, MWB, modified for new fitting coefficients methodology