NAME: photred PURPOSE: Reduction of non-variable point source absolute photometry. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Photometry CALLING SEQUENCE: pro photred,stand,fil,jd,am,serial,mag,err,comp,dofil, $ object,redmag,rederr, $ NOPRINT=noprint, PLOT=plotit, BINFAC=binfac, FORCE=force INPUTS: stand - String array of standard names. (See coord.) fil - String array of filter names for observations. jd - Double precision array of Julian dates. am - Floating point array of the airmass of observations. serial - Serial number of observation. mag - Raw instrumental magnitudes. err - Uncertainties on the raw magnitudes. comp - Standard name of comparison star. dofil - Name of filter to reduce. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ALL - Flag, if true reduces non-stars as well and returns a single average value for non-stars. BINFAC - Maximum amount of comparison star point to bin (default=6) FORCE - Two element vector that contains override values for the mean extinction and its uncertainty. This replaces the initial fit for mean extinction. NOPRINT - Flag, if true, will inhibit the summary printout to the screen. PLOT - Flag, if true will enable the summary plot of the comp star. STDMAG - Standard magnitude of comparison star (default=0). OUTPUTS: object - Name(s) of program object reduced against comp star. redmag - Final reduced magnitude of object compared to comp star. rederr - Final uncertainty. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1993/07/28 - Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 1993/12/09 - MWB, added extinction override (FORCE) 1993/12/12 - MWB, added ALL flag 2009/10/02, MWB, changed Polyfitw call to poly_fit equivalent