NAME: plotglob PURPOSE: Plot a globe projection with latitude and longitude lines DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Miscellaneous CALLING SEQUENCE: plotglob,lon,lat,polang INPUTS: lon - East longitude of center of disk (degrees) lat - Latitude of center of disk (degrees) polang - Position angle of North (CCW from +y, in degrees) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: BORD - Flag, if set, put a ticked border around plot. DLAT - Spacing between latitude lines (default=30 degrees) DLON - Spacing between longitude lines (default=30 degrees) DP - Angular step size for plot lines (default=5 degrees) COLORS - 4 element vector that specifies color indicies for various line elements in the plot. The default is a white line for displays and a black line for postscript output. colors[0] - Prime meridian and equator colors[1] - 180 deg longitude meridian colors[2] - Other grid lines colors[3] - Limb LINESTYLE - Linestyle for wire grid, default=0 NOERASE - Flag, if true, suppresses initial erase of plotting area before globe is drawn. Used for overplotting the grid on an image. POSITION - Optional 4-element vector that sets location of plot on the plotting device (this is a standard PLOT keyword) DEVICE - Flag, if true, means POSITION is in DEVICE units, otherwise, POSITION is taken to be in normal units. (standard PLOT keyword) PAD - Pad amount in the plot window. The width of the plot is 2*(1+pad) where 1 is the radius of the globe. The default value is pad=0.15 NOLIMB - Flag, if true, supresses plotting the limb of the globe. LATPTS - Latitude vector of positions to compute X,Y on plot for. LONPTS - Longitude vector of positions to compute X,Y on plot for. Both of LATPTS and LONPTS must be provided and must be the same length. If this condition is met, then XPTS,YPTS will contain the x,y positions of these lat/lon pairs on the plot. If the condition is not met then any input through these keywords is silently ignored. OFFSET - Optional offset (x,y) of center of disk in units of disk radius default=0,0 OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: XPTS - X position of LATPTS/LONPTS input YPTS - Y position of LATPTS/LONPTS input ZPTS - Z position of LATPTS/LONPTS input (positive means it's on the visible part of the globe, negative means it is on the back side). COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 96/01/26, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 96/02/12, MWB, added POSITION and DEVICE keyword support 96/05/10, MWB, added NOLIMB keyword 2002/03/15, MWB/Joel Parker, added BORD, LATPTS, LONPTS, XPTS, YPTS keywords. Also, the /ISOTROPIC keyword is set on the initial plot call. 2009/01/16, MWB, added LINESTYLE keyword 2015/11/09, MWB, added OFFSET keyword