NAME: pntfix3 PURPOSE: (one line) Compute the pointing correction as used by MOVE at Anderson Mesa DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astronomy CALLING SEQUENCE: pntfix3,coefs,haobs,decobs,hafix,decfix,dha,ddec INPUTS: coefs - Pointing coefficients. coefs(0) - Zero point in dec (") coefs(1) - Zero point in ra (") coefs(2) - Angle between true and instrumental poles (") coefs(3) - Angle between line of pole and true meridian (deg) coefs(4) - Telescope tube droop in HA and DEC (") coefs(5) - Angle between optical and telescope tube axes (") coefs(6) - Mechanical orthogonality of RA and Dec Axes (") coefs(7) - Dec axis flexure (") coefs(8) - HA encoder scale error ("/degree) coefs[9] - HA*Dec term coefs[10]- HA^2 term haobs - Observed hour angle of telescope in degrees decobs - Observed declination of telescope in degrees OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: hafix - Corrected (true) hour angle of telescope in degrees decfix - Corrected (true) declination of telescope in degrees dha - Correction to hour angle in arc-sec on the sky ddec - Correction to declination in arc-sec COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The latitude and longitude of Anderson Mesa (42" actually) is hardcoded into this procedure. PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2/11/93 - Written by Marc W. Buie from notes provided by Nat White.