NAME: ransphere PURPOSE: (one line only) compute random points on a unit sphere DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Mathematical CALLING SEQUENCE: ransphere,a0,a1,b0,b1,npts,VEC=vec,ANG=ang INPUTS: a0 - angle range start, this is RA, longitude, azimuth, [0,2pi) a1 - angle range end, if a1>a0 means range passes through 0 b0 - angle range start, this is Decl, latitude, elevation, [-pi/2,pi/2] b1 - angle range stop, b0 <= b1 npts - number of random values to generate OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: VEC - cartesian unit vectors for the points, Nx3 array, these are unit vectors ANG - angles, Nx2 array, [a,b] SEED - random number seed, default is undefined and begins sequence COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: The latitude sampling is discretized due to the limitations of smplprb. Only supports single-precision floating point output regardless of input. PROCEDURE: Sample uniformly in longitude, sample with cosine probability for latitude MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2018/09/29, Written by Marc W. Buie