NAME: rdobscod PURPOSE: Read standard observatory code data file. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: File I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: rdobscod,code,lon,rhosinp,rhocosp,obsname,valid INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: FILE - Name of observatory code file to read. Default=obscode.dat KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: code - array of observatory codes lon - longitude of observatory (degrees) rhosinp - rho * sin(co-lat) rhocopp - rho * cos(co-lat) obsname - Name of observatory valid - Flag, true if the file was found and read properly. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2000/11/19, MWB, added different default file for Windows. 2001/03/12, MWB, changed method of locating the obscode.dat file. Now looks in the user's IDL_PATH for this file. 2002/09/09, MWB, added support for string obscode values 2005/11/28, MWB, format of obscode.dat changed, fixed format for reading.