NAME: rdtfile PURPOSE: Reads the template file, tfile.dat, for a given night. DESCRIPTION: This program reads in the first line of the tfile.dat for a specific observing night and returns the information the file contains. CATEGORY: File I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: rdtfile,object,tempobj,marker,fnstack,outsize,degree,error INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: LOWELL - Flag, if set will require the tfile to be in a Lowell format to successfully return information. PATH - Optional string for the path to the tfile, default is the current directory. OUTPUTS: object - the object for the image data tempobj - object name of template for the image marker - unique identifier fnstack - name of image template outsize - size of output difference image degree - order of variation error - Flag, set if there was a problem. This could be because the file does not exist or that the night has been marked bad. In any case, if this comes back set to 1 then you should not proceed with this dataset. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: OBSCODE - Observatory code for the data. This is a guess based on various heuristics and from the file format. COMMENTS- any text after the first line COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURES: Reads in the tfile.dat from an observing night and returns the first line of information. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2012/01/24 Written by Erin R. George, Southwest Research Institute 2012/03/27, MWB, added support for NMSU data 2012/07/25, BLE, add COMMENTS keyword 2014/02/04, MWB, added PATH keyword and some clean up