NAME: recondscan PURPOSE: (one line only) Scan for RECON data for a given event DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Occultations CALLING SEQUENCE: recondscan INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: SHOWNEW - Flag, if set only reports on new datasets that are not already posted in the current config.ini file. Note that this logic is not particularly smart. If there is a section for a team then anything for that team is considered to be old. This is really looking to see if there is data from new teams. VERBOSE - Flag, if set will generate more output to the screen as it works. OUTPUTS: Two file are written, newconfig.ini and newsites.dat that contain the formatted information that may be useful for incorporation into the related files. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: CONFIGURATION: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2021/01/31 2023/02/07, MWB, changed output for new sites.dat file 2024/03/06, MWB, added VERBOSE keyword flag 2024/03/08, MWB, added check for missing config.ini file