NAME: reconload PURPOSE: (one line only) DESCRIPTION: The RECON data repository is scanned. Files already in the database are not examined. New entries into the database contain as much information as can be deduced at the start. If the file names are properly constructed the UTdate will be set, otherwise left blank. Many fields will require subsequent processing. CATEGORY: Database CALLING SEQUENCE: reconload,DIR=dir,MAXTODO=maxtodo,OLD=old INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: DIR - base directory of data repository, default is /net/mandor/raid/buie/ MAXTODO - mostly for testing, if set will restrict this program to process no more than MAXXTODO files. OLD - Flag, if set, indicates that the old video data repository should be processed. This is found in DIR+'recon/'. Otherwise the new repository is scanned in DIR+'RECON/'. OUTPUTS: All output goes to the database. Files that are already in the database are skipped. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2016/03/08, Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute 2016/03/10, MWB, added check sum fields to database insert command 2016/03/11, MWB, added email notification 2016/03/16, MWB, added senseup field