NAME: reconscore PURPOSE: (one line only) Calculate occultation circumstances for the RECON telescope stations DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Occultations CALLING SEQUENCE: reconscore,dblun,idx,full_prob,obs_score,minsig,maxsig INPUTS: dblun - Previously opened LUN for a mysql db connection to the recon database idx - Event index number that should be found in recon.event OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: RAOFFSET - Prediction offset (seconds of time), default=0 DECOFFSET - Prediction offset (seconds of arc), default=0 OFFSETERR - Error on prediction (arcsec), this should only be used with the offsets (default=normal orbit error) OUTPUTS: full_prob - Probability of the shadow falling somewhere within the region covered by RECON. This is a number between 0 and 1 obs_score - Fraction of the sites that can see the target star under observable conditions (sun below -15 deg and target above 20) minsig - minimum site distance from centerline in units of km maxsig - maximum site distance from centerline in units of km KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NETINFO - anonymous structure that contains more detailed information about the event as viewed from each site. The tags provided by this structure are: nsites: Number of sites in the network obsname: String array with the names for all the sites evjd: Array of topocentric JD-UT of minimum distance for each site salt: Array of Sun elevation at evjd for each site malt: Array of Moon elevation at evjd for each site oalt: Array of target elevation at evjd for each site oaz: Array of target azimuth at evjd for each site (W from S) obs_score: RECON observability score (1=all sites can see it) full_prob: RECON success probability minsig: Minimum cross-track distance in sigma maxsig: Maximum cross-track distance in sigma meandtrack: mean value of cross-track site spacing in km meddtrack: median value of cross-track site spacing in km mindtrack: smallest cross-track separation in km maxdtrack: largest cross-track separation in km VERBOSE- Flag, if set enables a lot of information to be printed out PIPE - Optional LUN of an open pipe for geteph. If not provided, this connection is automatically opened for the duration of this call but closed at the end. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2015/04/15 - Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute 2015/10/04, MWB, numerous enhancements for returned information plus a correct calculation of event probability 2016/05/23, MWB, changed to use database for site position 2016/06/08, MWB, added RAOFFSET, DECOFFSET, and OFFSETERR keywords 2019/06/13, MWB, added support for active/non-active sites 2022/12/12, MWB, added PREDERR keyword 2024/11/04, MWB, chages for new non-MPC observatory coordinates