NAME: refext PURPOSE: Batch mode extraction of REFNET star catalog fields in support of ASTROM DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Astrometry CALLING SEQUENCE: refext,root,startnum,finnum INPUTS: startnum - First frame number to process finnum - Last frame number to process OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: CATPAD - Amount of extra padding for catalog extraction in arcsec. The default is zero. EXTLIST - If image is a multi-extension FITS image, this list will force the reduction of only the extension numbers listed. The default is to do all the extensions, one at a time. KEYLIST - Name of a file containing a correspondence list. This list associates a set of standard names with the actual keyword names found in a FITS file header. If this keyword is omitted, a default list is used, as if a file with the following contents had been supplied: AIRMASS K AIRMASS DATE K DATE-OBS DATETMPL T DD-MM-YYYY EXPDELTA V 0.0 EXPTIME K EXPTIME FILTER K FILTERS FILENAME K CCDFNAME * OBJECT K OBJECT UT K UT * RA K RA * DEC K DEC * EPOCH K EPOCH The middle column is a flag. It may be K, for Keyword, T, for Template, or V, for Value. If it is V, the contents of the third field on that line should make sense for the name in the first field. Only those fields marked with '*' are actually used by this program. MAGLIM - Limiting (faint) magnitude for catalog extraction (default=30.0) NODOT - Flag, if set suppresses inserting a . in the file name PATH - String, this is the name of the directory where the data are stored. The actual data directory used is PATH+'/'+root. The default is '' (blank) and the file would be root.NNN which would permit putting a leading path on the root. PSCALE - Scalar number, this is the scale of the image in arcsec/pixel. If not specified, then this program will look for the ASTROM information file, astrom.inf, in the current directory for the plate scale. If the file does not exist, then you will be prompted to provide the plate scale directly. SCRIPT - String, if provided is the file name to save a script to. If set will suppress the actual call to refnet to generate the star sub-catalogs. Instead, all the calls to refnet will be saved to this file. NOBINARY - Flag, if set will suppress automatically promoting the ASCII catalog files to the binary format. OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 97/11/13 - Original version written by Gerbs Bauer, Institute for Astronomy 97/11/14, MWB, stylistic rewrite 98/03/25, MWB, add EXTLIST keyword and group extension support 98/04, MWB, changed readfits to fits_read. 99/06/21, MWB, added NODOT keyword 2000/02/05, MWB, minor mod to add .fits tag support. 2000/08/25, MWB, added CATPATH pass through for refnet. 2001/12/07, MWB, added CATPAD (same as in 2002/02/06, MWB, removed CATPATH keyword 2003/05/31, MWB, changed to prevent overwriting pre-existing cat files 2007/11/30, MWB, changed to support the new binary file formats.