NAME: saltdes2 PURPOSE: (one line only) Implant fake objects into DES data, second stage addition of objects. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: CCD data processing CALLING SEQUENCE: saltdes2 INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYFILE - Name of a file containing a correspondence list. This list associates a set of standard names with the actual keyword names found in a FITS file header. If this keyword is omitted, a default list is used, as if a file with the following contents had been supplied: AIRMASS K AIRMASS DATE K DATE-OBS DATETMPL T DD-MM-YYYY EXPDELTA V 0.0 EXPTIME K EXPTIME FILTER K FILTERS FILENAME K CCDFNAME OBJECT K OBJECT UT K UT The middle column is a flag. It may be K, for Keyword, T, for Template, or V, for Value. If it is V, the contents of the third field on that line should make sense for the name in the first field. IMDIR :String, the path to the original images- DEFAULT:current dir PSFDIR :String, the path to the psfs- DEFAULT:SRCDIR+'/psf' SRCDIR :String, the path to the src and srd files- DEFAULT:current dir OUTDIR :String, set the path for the output data file. IMSALT will not run if imdir=outdir - DEFAULT:'salted/' QUIET :Flag, if set will suppress chatty printed output. OUTPUTS: KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: For use with the DES. PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2004/07/20, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 2010/07/26, MWB, minor mod for new frmdxdy error codes