NAME: siftstar PURPOSE: (one line only) Generate filtered lists of stars from a single image tagged by crowding DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Photometry CALLING SEQUENCE: siftstar,fn INPUTS: fn - filename of the image (string). Do not include path to the file in this input. (example: '100704.032') OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: REDDIR - Path to the data products associate with this image. (default='/net/frakir/raid/buie/Reduced/') Do not include the date name in the directory, that part is automatically generated from the input file name. KEYLIST - Name of a file containing a correspondence list. This list associates a set of standard names with the actual keyword names found in a FITS file header. If this keyword is omitted, a default list is used, as if a file with the following contents had been supplied: AIRMASS K AIRMASS DATE K DATE-OBS DATETMPL T DD-MM-YYYY EXPDELTA V 0.0 EXPTIME K EXPTIME FILTER K FILTERS FILENAME K CCDFNAME * OBJECT K OBJECT UT K UT * RA K RA * DEC K DEC * EPOCH K EPOCH The middle column is a flag. It may be K, for Keyword, T, for Template, or V, for Value. If it is V, the contents of the third field on that line should make sense for the name in the first field. Only those fields marked with '*' are actually used by this program. VERBOSE - Flag, if set turns on lots of printed and graphical output OUTPUTS: Writes two file files to REDDIR+'Src/' fn+'.sr1' - data for large photometric aperture sources fn+'.sr2' - data for small photometric aperture sources KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Get source list from rdir+root+'/Src/'+root+fn+'.srd need x,y,ra,dec Get photometric aperture size from rdir+root+'/reduc.inf' use rdreduc, this will get objrad,sky1,sky2,gain,rdnoise,ddir Grab the image and its header from ddir+root+'/cal/'+fn need the image array and exposure time (info.exptime) Call photiso with big aperture, saving the sky --> list1 Call photiso with small aperture, reusing the sky --> list2 Remove list1 from list2 (intrsect) Save results (for each list) x,y,fwhm,mag,err,ra,dec,snr (mag goes with aperture for the list) make sure to augment the header to save things like apertures MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2011/01/13, Written by Erin R. George, Southwest Research Institute 2011/02/10, ERG, added numtoflist call 2011/02/11, ERG, changed input to be complete filename string 2011/03/08, MWB, incorporated into the master library, minor fix on the contents of the sr2 files. 2012/03/08, MWB, added VERBOSE flag